March 13, 2022

Restlessness is Harmful

Restlessness means the lack of rest and quietness in a person. It's not a disease or disorder.  It can be felt in the mind or body or both. Despite the conscious efforts to contain the mind, it remains in an agitated status when one or several thoughts spring up randomly and simultaneously. Such a disturbed mind provokes a person to move around aimlessly and  end up in a fatigued body. Restlessness is different from the activeness, as the latter performs any task with focus when the mind and body work in tandem. Overactiveness is although a mild form of restlessness, the anxiety and fatigue are not felt. Ant and Hummingbird are good examples for activeness whereas the Squirrel is the overactive animal. Man alone exhibits the behavior of restlessness.

Causes of Restlessness are many. The most common and frequent reasons are listed here. 1) Anxiety arising from pessimism 2) Inadequate sleep and rest 3) Excessive worries about the future 4) Weakness and poor health due to illness 5) Obsession for power and control 6) Lack of faith and trust in others 7) Element of fear 8) Overzealous to get success and results 9) Engage in multitasking 10) Possession of too much knowledge and skill 11) Paucity of time and emergency situations, and 12) Matters of self-interest. 

Effects of Restlessness are several. The major five consequences are given to understand the significance. 1) Lack of self-confidence 2) Tension and stress culminating in chaos 3) Deterioration in physical health 4) Poor mental ability leading to wrong judgement and strained relationships, and 5) Seclusion from others.

Remedies to overcome the restlessness. Delegate the works to others or attend them based on the priority. When facing dilemmas or stress, move away from the scene to remain idle and lonely without any action. Practice yoga and meditation to restore patience, concentration and confidence. Take a rest at intervals and relax by closing the eyes. Divert and focus attention towards what is more absorbing and rejuvenating to the mind. Do not prefer any temporary relief through the tranquilizers and sedatives that are harmful in the long run. 

A normal man will experience the restlessness in extraordinary situations like loss of the dear ones, failure in the profession or business, natural calamities, etc.. In a weak minded person, it emerges naturally and frequently. By constant practice and faith, the restlessness can be got rid of. Nothing is impossible to change.

March 2, 2022

Never Assume Things

A driver with an accident-free record can make mistakes and end up in an accident. Persons with good demeanor can also commit crimes. Do not think a money conscious person will repay any money owed to others. Do not take the enemy's strength for granted to make the wrong move. The person steering a car need not be the owner, but a driver or even a thief. Neither all those dressed well are civilized nor the people clad in simple clothes lack discipline. Don't conclude that all educated people will be wise and smart. Not all doctors will diagnose and cure the illness. 

A person in a house need not be the owner as it could be the tenant or a servant or a stranger. After the field inspection of a palatial house, an investigating agency presented a report to a bank by quoting the lessee as the owner of the property. The bank sold the security in an auction to realize the money lent to the lessee. Later, the actual owner filed a criminal case against the bank for negligence and wrong action of selling his property.  

The artificial stones make us believe them as the real gems. Many robberies and thefts capitalize on this weakness. The fake items are kept behind the original object to mislead the onlooker. A major fraud of embezzlement came to light when the cash holdings were checked in a bank's currency office. Though the storage boxes had the original currency notes on the top, the counterfeit notes were found at the bottom. 

All looking white cannot be the milk or toddy. A person may consume a soft drink in bar, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. Whoever is seen at the police station cannot be the culprits. A casual visitor to the court cannot be assumed as a lawyer or judge. Assuming a dead person as sleeping is an error in judgement. The possession of vast wealth does not make the owner rich. There are people who live in palaces, but lead a poor life for lack of income. A rich business owner filed for insolvency to avoid the attachment of his assets and estate and escape from the recovery proceedings of another business that lent money to him.

When there is any sickness, many seek the Internet to interpret their symptoms and  decide their ailment. Out of fear, one fellow spent a huge amount for a CAT scan and took the report to a specialist who said, " Nothing to worry. it's an ordinary sinusitis problem." Thus, online diagnosis can go wrong, upsetting the net users psychologically. The anxiety generated by visiting the medical websites is called as ' Cyberchondria.'

By simply assigning the works to the employees and subordinates, no business can expect the desired results. The management needs to monitor and control the activities at regular intervals. Not only the money and time are wasted, but the reputation also suffers. A prudent driver should not assume that everyone on the road will behave properly. A traveler shall not assume the new place will have all facilities.

Therefore, do not presume anything before making any judgement. It's the prerogative of the theorists to formulate the ideas with all assumptions. Lethargy is a common excuse for making assumptions. For any good purpose, we can assume, but not for bad acts. For instance, donation to a charity is made on the expectation that it will reach the needy.