June 30, 2021

Remember The Roots

Forgetting one's past and roots amounts to pride and ignorance unless the person is affected by amnesia or lunacy. This is the reason we need to know the history and heritage of our family and world in particular, and the evolution of life in general. Even animals and birds remember their bases to return home after day-long trips, but human conveniently ignores those who shaped his career so far. The fruits can't take credit for their nicety neglecting the underground roots. An elegant and mammoth tower rests on the strong foundation only. Our body sans the bones will look like a deflated tube. A person should not forget the parents and others after achieving his or her growth and prosperity. A real incident will amplify the point.

A childless couple adopted and brought up a poor boy with all comforts and goodness of life. The lad became a talented engineer and secured placement in a reputed company. The caring couple duly got him married to a beautiful girl and gifted their estate retaining a tiny apartment. Unfortunately, the foster son deserted the old couple to live with his new wife. The systems of family and society are in place to avert waywardness and create involvement in life.

Adherence to the customs and rituals of a family cannot be branded as orthodox or outdated. Actually, such practice leads to peace and happiness in the society. For example, the heirs of erstwhile kingdoms strictly indulge in charity to distribute gifts to the public on special occasions like birthday, festivals, etc.. In fact, they share their wealth with others. All over the world, people celebrate festivals to remember and thank the Nature for the good rainfall and harvests. In the same way, a person should never forget the teachers who taught the lessons for life, the farmers providing the nourishment of growth, and the profession or employment for livelihood. Sharing the benefits of what we gained so far with others is the right way of expressing gratitude to the society at large.

Our life revolves around the Nature for sustenance and posterity. The advent of science and technology coupled with the ever-growing greediness of human beings have caused the irreversible damages to Nature affecting our own existence. Deforestation, Inorganic farming, excessive dependence on machines, genetic alteration techniques, etc. are a few examples that show man's departure from the Nature. The consequences are already visible as climatic change, drought, emergence of new diseases and disorders, etc.. Newton's law 'Any action has a reaction' is bound to apply if we don't mend our ways immediately. None will respect the one that fails from appreciating the past. An honest soul always reverberates with good thoughts and deeds.

June 29, 2021

Value of Friendship

Friendship is the best relationship that a person should have to lead a more meaningful life in this world, next only to the Family system. An understanding spouse is the best friend in married life. When elders treat the juniors as friends, peace and happiness are sure to prevail. Many persons boast of a large network of friends, albeit their hollow and formal interactions. Some people think friendship is only for gaining something. Sorry, they have a selfish motive. Such friendships cannot long last and are bound to snap at any moment. People take it for granted, and they expect their friends' help without any reciprocation. Generally, people make friends with persons of equal status, age and minds. Very rarely, people of unequal status become friends, but such relationship is short-lived.

Quality and Quantity of Friendship determine the level of success and happiness in our life. Quantity refers to the number of friends one has, and the Quality represents the support and contribution made by those friends. The mental and physical capabilities of a person determine the nature of friendship. The studious students make one group while those with a strong physique form another group. In the workplace also, people having the same cadre establish an association. Aged people make their own circle. However, the friendship occurs faster within a gender.

Method to identify a True friend. Time and behavior of a person enable us to determine a good friend. Just by one incident or interaction, never admit one as a friend. The frequency of helps sought, and the reactions thereof, are a sure indicator to assess a good friend. A true relationship consists of mutual trust and help, without expecting anything in return. One step further, a true friend tolerates all the pains in transforming a bad friend into a good personality. Even if the relationship is broken due to the misgivings or the tricks played by extraneous elements, the true friends identify and rectify them towards its restoration. Friends of this sort are few and far between, and they live as Thick pals. Any friendship formed for temporary gains will break away sooner than later. The true friendship always glitters like gold whilst other relationships corrode like iron gradually.

Difference between 'Relatives' and 'Friends.' Relatives maintain a lot of formalities and expectations from us. Friends never wait for any requests or invitation, but participate and help in times of emergency. Moreover, friends do not mind the status, nationality or religion, and mingle freely and equally. Rarely, a relative behaves like a friend. Generally, good friends can become the relatives, but the good relatives cannot be our friends.

A Chinese proverb says, 'Even two can sleep on a tamarind leaf if they are true friends.' The world-renowned Tamil classic Thirukkural states ' A good friend hastens to help during difficult times like the hands swiftly moving to prevent the loosening garments.' East or west, the best friendship bears and beats the life's hardship. Set an example, as a friend, and then expect others to conduct like that. It is wonderful to be a good friend to even an enemy.

June 28, 2021

Think Before Criticising Others

Everyone desires success in life. Some earn it by working hard while many people derive by pulling down others through criticism and wicked methods. Most of us grow impatient and rude when things are not moving as per our wish and plan. That culminates in chiding and blaming others though the real reason remains elsewhere. Think a while about the consequences if the other person also gets reactive. Both will clash in a duel ending up in bitter expressions and emotions: Ultimately, spoiling the otherwise cordial relationship. Especially, when the criticism emerges from an inexperienced and undisciplined person, it wrecks havoc on the person who is well experienced and more disciplined. Such incidents are regular in an office. The main reason behind such behavior is that we want others to be perfect though lacking in ourselves. Majority of us feel happy to point out the mistakes of others, but fail to notice what we do. 

Misbehavior on one occasion cannot make a person bad. Many of the crimes are borne out of circumstances. A wrong conviction makes a person repeat the crimes.  That's why a Court of law gives sufficient time to the accused to prove the truth and circumstances of the crime before pronouncing the judgment, but not based on the circumstances alone. 

Two types of criticism are commonly found in our life. Anything that evokes a favorable response from the criticised person is termed as Constructive or positive criticism. When the driver of a car jumps the traffic signal, a gentle owner would causally rebuke, "I know you are a good driver but the traffic signal doesn't." If any criticism demoralises a person resulting in adverse reactions, then it is called as Destructive or negative criticism. A school teacher condemned one student for not paying the fees. The latter committed suicide leaving a note of anguish over the incident. 

Criticism for even silly reasons is a sadist approach. That actually earns disrespect and humiliation from others.  We can criticise others only when it is essential and that too, in a polite manner not to affect their self-esteem. Denunciation before others makes a person feel embarrassed and ashamed. Remember, the same situation will also come to us.  

Nonetheless, a person admitting own mistakes will always succeed in life as he uses any criticism as a stepping stone for his progress. He lives happily also without the burden of carry-over and repenting in the future for his mistakes. So, Think twice before accusing or scolding others.  The renowned American author Dale Carnegie said, "Any fool can criticise, condemn, and complain, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving."  

June 27, 2021

Without This, Our Life is Meaningless

Discipline refers to 'Orderliness, System and Code of behavior.' We can notice the discipline in our surrounding nature also. Animals and plants have discipline. Birds fly in flocks. Bees and Ants work as a team. The upper part of a plant grows towards the sunlight while the underground roots spread searching for water and nutrition. Discipline is also a Science as it has a systematic approach for anything. That's why we have various, but related curricula classified as one group as a Discipline. Humanities, Natural Science, Political science, etc., are some disciplines to mention.

Lack of discipline among the soldiers led to the fall of great kingdoms. Absence of practice made many champions taste the defeat. The casual approach of students brings low marks in the exams. For want of maintenance, an important trip got canceled due to the breakdown of the car. Any sports body considers the participants' discipline as more crucial than their achievements. In the recent past, Olympics authority stripped the gold medals of the winners for the sole reason they violated the discipline codes set by the authority. Even an office has a disciplinary authority to teach the erring staff behave properly, or face punitive actions.   

Though discipline is difficult to practice initially, the benefits derived are more. It saves energy, resources and time. For instance, traffic rules represent the discipline for safe and happy travel by all including the pedestrians; any violation of them affects several people directly or otherwise. 

Discipline is always misunderstood as 'strictness' or 'rules.' Actually it refers to a system or set of basic principles for our life. Self-discipline makes a saint. Adherence to such discipline always is the toughest in life. Making others follow such  discipline becomes the most difficult. All great people of the world have one object in common though their approach might have differed. That is discipline only. A person with such discipline is the noblest of all. Here, the discipline primarily comprises the following traits.

1) practice of honesty.

2) exercise of patience and tolerance.

3) readiness to sacrifice.

4) compassion for others.

5) unbiased  approach.

6) humbleness, and 

7) simplicity.

Individuals with above qualities lived, and live among us. They are few and far between. They are praised as saviours and revered as Gods. Honorary degrees and awards are conferred by many universities and colleges on such personalities though they had no formal education. So discipline leads to the focus and uniformity in the approach. It enables us accomplish the goals chosen by us. People having discipline with good purpose are respected by all. George Washington said, "Nothing can be more hurtful to the service, than the neglect of discipline." 

Discipline decides our fate. Self-discipline instills confidence and determination in a person, whilst Team discipline results in cohesion and happiness. It brings fame and names to its followers. In fact, the value of discipline is highlighted and exposed to the world.

June 26, 2021

Knowledge and Life

The information gained through education and experience is called as "Knowledge". Science is organised knowledge. Wisdom is organised life.' This is what I noticed written on the wall of a school.

Generally, many people think that learning or education stops once they come out of the college and take up a job or profession. It is not the correct way of leading the life. Leaders in any field are the great learners. That is why we find stacks of books kept  in their premises. Learning is an everyday process. Because, the world we live is fast growing with the latest techniques and devices. Especially, the professionals like Doctors, Engineers, etc.. need to update their knowledge as newer discoveries are made and advanced methods are introduced in their fields. Even a Barber has to install and adopt the latest to attract the customers to his saloon. 

The immense value of knowledge is aptly stated in the Tamil proverb 'A Knowledgeable person is respected wherever he goes.' Possession of varied knowledge empowers a person in many ways. For instance, knowledge of languages facilitates fluent and easy communication with the people of a terrain. In case of exigency, we can repair a car if we have the knowledge of its system. We do not lose anything: instead, stand to gain many advantages. What we learnt so far measures the size of our palm, but what remains to be learnt equals the size of World.

There are many ways and sources from which you can get this knowledge. Books, Electronic media like TV, Videos, Computer,etc.. But the most important source of our times is the Internet. It's not suffice to learn but one should develop clarity in that whatever he learnt, and should be able to apply and abide by that. 'Learn clearly without mistakes. Live by it whatever be the stakes' is what the Tamil classic poetry 'Thirukkural' advocated more than a millennium years ago.

The level of knowledge makes a marked difference among the people. Usually an ignorant person tries to show off much like an empty vessel making loud noise. Persons with Half knowledge tend to speak loud as if to display their skill but end up with ambiguity and shame. Half knowledge always waits to give free advice without asking and the takers become it's victim. However, learned people stay humble and never grumble. A person may be knowledgeable but of what use if he cannot conduct himself  for a practical and happy life. One who learns to actually swim in the water will have confidence and courage to swim when an emergency arises. 

Wisdom is innate and cannot be taught. Knowledge or science is sourced from outside and can be learned by practice and observation. The former succeeds even in the absence of the latter. Wisdom guides the life spiritually whereas knowledge helps to live the life physically.

June 25, 2021

5 Places Where One Should Speak Truth Only.

Truth-speaking is the most rewarding virtue in our life but remains an ever-challenging affair. It needs courage and determination to practice. It has nothing to fear as it doesn't hide anything. It never seeks to remember the past, either. As such, it enables a person to lead a humble and open life. Many great scholars and leaders cherish honesty as his or her life. 'Honesty' and 'Truth' are more related words which can be used interchangeably. Nowadays, speaking the truth in public places is branded as Foolishness, Out-of-fashion and Orthodoxy. Nevertheless, there are five places in our life that warrant truth alone. This doesn’t mean you can bluff in other places.

Places of Law: An oath to tell the truth is administered in any court of law. This procedure impresses upon a person present and declare the facts and truth only. Moreover, speaking the truth makes the judicial process easy and meaningful to take a holistic and unbiased view. Further, the adjudication becomes faster as there will be no going-back or denial of the statements recorded earlier. Likewise, one shall appraise the lawyer with the truths for litigation to succeed. Similarly, a person should tell the facts and truths to the police investigating a case. In short, maintain the identical position in all these three places.

Places of Worship: Whatever be the religion, one should speak the truth and pray with an open mind in a place of worship. Otherwise, it will be nagging throughout the life. Christianity has a distinct system of 'Confess and Seek Apology', to make a person tell the truth voluntarily. All gods are pleased to hear the truth alone. Perhaps, one may think to outsmart the Almighty by playing double roles: praying one thing and doing the opposite. Remember the adage: Mills of God Grind slow but sure. The impact of bluffing before God has severe ramifications in the later part of one's life, that too felt intense during the twilight years.

Places of Health Care: Always discuss the actual problems and sufferings to the doctor in a health centre. Lest, the diagnosis and treatment will go wrong leading to further complications affecting the patient. Such acts of omission also jeopardise the claims for insurance. 

Places of Learning: Whatever be the level of learning a person should never hesitate to speak the truth for the benefit of self: if not for others. Study places such as school, college, etc., are on par with places of worship as they guide human beings. Unless one learns the value of truth in the formative stages, he/she fails to understand the meaning of life itself. 

Home: Is the first place where a person picks up the good habit of speaking truth. The elders should set an example for this to flourish. Everything is shared and consulted in a family without any inhibition or selfishness. Each member speaks nothing but the  truth only. A happy and peaceful family definitely has this trait as one of their secrets. Naturally the societies comprising such households make a successful country. 

 Truth makes our life easy and simple. People worship honest people wherever and forever. Mahatma Gandhi, Father of India, practised it as a virtue of life. In fact, he authored an autobiography titled 'My Experiments With Truth.'

June 24, 2021

7 Lessons from Nature

Nature that we live in is the best tutor for our development and welfare. People synchronized with Nature tend to live a happy life. Anything that violates the laws of Nature will have to face the consequences. Thanks to the Industrialisation and Consumerism, the traditional reliance on Nature was displaced. Modern agriculture is a good example of destroying the Nature. Of late, this blunder has been understood, and the traditional, organic farming is now recommended for sustained and peaceful existence. Nature is replete with numerous examples about how to live on earth. However, they can be classified into the seven broad groups as below.

Equilibrium maintained: Nature has built-in measures like Flood, Famine, Storm, etc. to contain the unregulated growth of all life forms. Else, aggression and violence would have surfaced. Further, nobody can have excess over what is required for a normal life.

Interdependency: Each life species depends on others for survival and growth. Rat eats the human food to become the feed of the snake that in turn is preyed by the Porcupine and Vulture, which get hunted by human. Vegetation depends on water, land and air for growth and propagation. Animals and humans rely on herbs, plants and trees. Man rears animals for the selfish motive. So all are interdependent.

Survival: Methods vary, but the aim is same. Hunting, clasping, pecking, swallowing, grabbing, squeezing, etc.. Are some examples. An Anglerfish lures its feed by a flash of light. The weak species meekly surrenders to the strong one. Adaptation to the changing environment is another method. A Camel can sustain without food and water for a long period as its hump releases the reserve fat. The sturdy and smart becomes the fittest to survive during the times of danger and exigency. 

Patience: Crane waits for its feed. Snail keeps its own pace though aware of the impending danger. A hawk flies for hours to get its prey. A seed takes years to become a tree. Nepenthes traps the innocent insect. Dead plants and trees over time produce fossil fuels like coal and petroleum. The rocks yield precious metals, minerals and diamond. Lustrous silk is spun by the patient larva of a moth. Nymphs of Cicadas hibernate in the soil for 17 years to emerge as adults. Land remains patient by silently bearing the ever-growing stock of buildings and population.

Protection: Tortoise dwells in a shell. Rhinoceroses wear a leathery coat. Penguins and Sea lions have a fatty layer against the freezing cold. A hen spreads her plumes to shield the chicks when rain lashes. The dog keeps watch for its master. Pineapple and Jack's fruits have a thorny rind to safeguard from the insects and animals.

Duty: Learn from the studious and hard-working Ants, Bees, Fish and Squirrel. The Sun rises and sets everyday least bothered about the seasons of the Earth. The heart never feels tired. Birds keep schedules for the day work and return to the nests at dusk. Trees and plants bend towards sunlight for their development. The Earth rotates and revolves around Sun giving seasons and time.

Selfless and unbiased service: Five elements make our life. Sun shines always unmindful of whether others care for it. Rain pours, and rivers flow without bias for the benefit of all. Trees yield fruits and plants bear flower even in a remote forest. In the deep sea, an oyster produces  a pearl. 

Let us appreciate the Nature and live peacefully and happily. Forever.

June 23, 2021

Why Do Waste Time in 'Worrying? Live The Moment.

In life, the only thing you have to do is breathe: everything else is optional only. No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood. Life just gives you time and space. It's up to you avail it properly. Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror. Man cannot take pride in his self, but appreciates the precious life itself.  

Make your life a mission, not an intermission. Many people don't believe in the hard work and persistence. Instead, they prefer casualness and lethargy to suit their convenience without minding the fate of life itself. Any hurdle faced during such a mission is viewed as Failure, but not as a challenge to the skill or experience. However, this doesn't mean getting worried and burdened with the cost of the personal happiness and relationships in the society. Set personal goals and start moving towards them with all sincerity and determination. Alongside, cultivate the habit of enjoying whatever is required of that age or stage. For instance, a school kid should have a clear target of what to do in his studies, and keep doing that. At the same time, he should enjoy the fun of that age like playing, watching movies, etc..  

Life becomes valuable through the service one renders. A fair face may fade over a period of time, but a beautiful soul lasts forever. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. Life is so much simpler and easier when you live honestly. It's like a mountain; the higher you climb, the more expansive is your view. Like the game of tennis, the player who serves well seldom loses. A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. The twin benefits of taking risk in life are: Success brings happiness and confidence and Failure fetches experience and wisdom. However, certain risks are not worth considering as they spoil the life itself. For instance, excessive smoking affects the smokers health and family.

Keep moving to have the freshness of life like an ever-flowing water stream. So, change is always desirable, if life to become interesting and happy. Just imagine: How terrible will be our life if there are no seasons, but only one climate throughout the year? Nevertheless, any change looks terrible at first and later turns out to be handy. Technology was at first resisted and later welcomed for its value addition. 

Do what you can unmindful of what you have and where you are. Many people tend to  feel inadequacy or inability  forgetting what they have or possess with them. Each person has the greatest asset brain to think and act. Many neglect their innate power for reasons: they have lesser resources or power to execute or laziness or the tendency to procrastinate. Two hands and two legs are more than enough to prosper in life. History has several examples of rag-to-rich achievers by sheer belief in sincerity and inner power.  

 'Life is rare,Live with care' is a beautiful slogan displayed on a construction site. Though intended for the safety of people working there it goes beyond to signify the value of our life. A lotus plant draws its sustenance from the water but remains without getting wet. Similarly, live life without getting drowned in it.

Trying to copy others will land in trouble. Even one's life will be at peril. A Sparrow  cannot become an Eagle even if it flies high. A Dog cannot be a Tiger even if it dons the coat of the latter. Like wise, by having a stethoscope, a person cannot become a Doctor. Neither a Black gown wouldn't make a Lawyer. The list is endless. The consequences of imitating others are several and serious. Each person has an individuality that needs to be polished and maintained. Simple truth is 'Remain what you are and Not as what are you not.'

Life turns active when our mind interacts with the surrounding nature. Nature only wins. People that conquered and built vast empires merged with that nature. People that accumulated huge wealth is nowhere. Landlords are now under the lands. Nobody can claim the right to stay here forever as life is leased to you. In a nutshell, 'Came from and Returned to Elements' is the truth of our life.' So, live  the moments happily.

June 22, 2021

Circumstances Decide Our Life

All humans are good at birth. The circumstances only shape and decide their future. Rain water is pure and colorless until it reaches the earth. However, it changes its nature depending on the places it reaches. It remains pure in a river, turns saltish in the sea, and loses its purity in a sewerage. The major circumstances having impacts on a person's life are discussed here below.

Family: The foundations of an individual's growth and character are determined by the moral and economic backgrounds of the family. It plays a crucial role during the formative stage of childhood. Because, a child grasps and learns everything from the attitude and action of those in the surrounding. The elders in general and the parents more specifically, contribute to the character in a person. Nuptial relationship, and incidents like the death, birth, etc., and also affect the future of an individual.

Friendship: Good friends guide a person in the right direction and remain with him during difficult times. A bad company spoils even a good person. Ramayana's author, though a Brahmin, became a dacoit through the bad friendship. Despite the best advice from the father, his son lost money in several businesses as his friend misguided him.

Education: This has a long-lasting effect on anybody's life. Literacy enhances the living standards of a person. Teachers and fellow students make or break the career of a person. It's the teacher who has a great impact on the pupil. The character, knowledge and interactions of a teacher leave deep imprints in the student's mind. Generally, a person gets moulded as a good citizen during the student life. Books that one reads change the future course of that person. 

Society: The political, religious, cultural and economic situations in a society impact the development among its members. The affluent lifestyle of the neighborhood induces a poor person to live rich by resorting to even illegal means like mafia, smuggling, theft, con acts, etc.. A great leader like Mahatma Gandhi made his followers lead a simple and honest life. The rituals of a religion prescribe the means and methods of living. Farmers quit the agriculture due to the uneconomic prices for their produce. The employees lead a marginal life when a factory winds up its operations. Unemployment forces many people to work in far away places or countries. Wars kill many people and cripple several others. History shows that Indian Emperor Ashoka won the Kalinga battle but at the cost of several lives. He realized the colossal crime done for the sake of victory and converted to Buddhism.

Accident: A dreaded robber Valmiki turned into a hermit upon meeting the heavenly Saint Narada, and later he wrote the world-renowned epic 'Ramayana.' The sudden demise of the breadwinner paralyzes a family. A child becomes an orphan when a train mishap kills his family. Accidents due to the blast in chemical factories and radiation from Nuclear plants leave many handicapped and dead.

Environment: Any change in the climate affects the lifestyle of a territory. People migrate to other places when a drought or earthquake occurs. Unfavorable weather conditions render the fishermen's life pathetic. A hurricane leaves a ship passenger lonely in an uninhabited island.

Workplace: The nature and duration of work affect the mindset of a person. People occupying high ranks do not have time even to eat and sleep properly, and thereby invite problems of health and peace. Some people find their new life partners in the office to change their life itself.

Whatever be the circumstances, a person of a sound and balanced mind keeps cool and tries to take advantage of each situation and comes out successfully.

June 21, 2021

Who is a Real Achiever?

The world of human beings has peculiar characteristics. People measure any success  by the outcome, ignoring the efforts preceding it. A swimmer wins an Olympic medal by a second, but the person coming next is ignored. Anyone that reaches the top is considered a great achiever. To be fair in our judgement, the methods adopted and the efforts expended in any success should also be weighed to determine the real achiever. Many sportsmen lost their title or medals after the doping effect of some drugs was found out. Similarly, the business stalwarts of yesterday were found to be facing the criminal charges of abuse of powers and manipulations.

The following are the instances of how many people earn fame and name by unethical ways and take pride as if they achieved by themselves.

1. Turn a big shot by crooks and tricks.

2. Occupy the top spot by default.

3. Grab opportunities like education, employment, etc. through the shortcuts and unfair means.

4. Use the political, religious, and communal links to further self-interest, and 

5. Gain power through the muscle and money power.

A real achiever will possess the characteristics as below.

1. Rises to the top through the legitimate means and own efforts such as talent and strength.

2. Never seeks undue favor to promote his interests.

3. Never pampers for others' benevolence.

4. Believes in honesty and integrity.

5. Never employs any influence to serve his purpose.

6. Shuns bribery and corruption, and

7. Cares for others' welfare.

The following two contrasting examples would make the above points clear. 

A Vagabond turned a VIP. A lonely man in rags took shelter on the pavement near a small tea shop. He used to lead the life by seeking alms from the passers-by and  those visiting the shop. Nobody had any idea of his genesis. One day, a political party asked him to attend its agitation for the sake of head counts and paid him a food packet and some cash. Gradually, he began attending the rallies and public meetings of that party on a regular basis. However, the lure of money and power made him learn the nuances of politics. About 5 years later, he gained popularity and the confidence of the local leaders and secured the contacts and relationships of high ranks as well. At one stage, he overtook the mentor to become a confidant of the high command. He made huge wealth within a short time and led a luxurious life. The customers of the tea shop wondered how a loafer could become such an influential figure. Nonetheless, Everything came to an end when the corruption and other crimes of him came to light. 

Dedication sans publicity. In an office, a clerk worked will all sincerity and devotion. He remained unmarried and spent a major portion of his income for the welfare of poor people. After the office hours, he would visit the homes of the less privileged and provide them with the food and clothes. Not only that, he donated his superannuation benefits to a social organization caring for the aged and homeless people. Unsatisfied by all these, post retirement he took up a job in a restaurant. Retaining a small amount for self-sustenance, he gifted the meagre earnings to help the indigent. Neither he sought others help nor claimed publicity for the noble and selfless work rendered by him.

Now, decide who is the real achiever. Neither all that glitters is gold nor that remains hidden has no value. Time alone exposes the facts.

June 20, 2021

Humor Brightens Life

Humor rejuvenates our life like the humus doing to the soil. Seldom you can find people without it. Humor is the thing, next only to the Advice; a person can share with even a stranger. Some people have a natural instinct of humor that made them great hits. Charlie Chaplin is one such personality. However, the presence of mind and timely delivery of words or actions, make a huge difference in creating the humor. Spontaneity and skill also determine its quality.

Sense of humor exists in each one of us. Rarely, we appreciate and develop it as we have many other preoccupations. Let's refresh this valuable sense by reading jokes, watching cartoons, etc.. Humor and laughter are complementary in nature, but the latter is the product of the first one. 

Types of Humor: Two types exist as Verbal and Visual humor. Comic books come under the first category. Comedy movies, puppet shows, and cartoons belong to the second type. The visual variety generally evokes instant laughter from the audience, whereas the verbal type produces a smile in the reader or listener. What is humorous to one person, may not be same to another. A cartoon movie makes a kid laugh though the elders shrug it off as nothing. Nevertheless, silent actions of Laurel and Hardy attract the adults also.

Benefits of Humor: The benefits a person derives from humor are manifold.1) Relaxes during tense situations. 2) Relieves from stress and anguish. 3) Enhances creativity and efficiency and 4) Increases the lifespan. The social advantages are 1) Bonding with friends and relatives 2) Cohesiveness in the workforce 3) Greater problem-solving ability and productivity and 4) Reinforcement of general relationships.

You can join a Humor club in your locality to enlarge your social connections and enhance the health of yourself and others. The great author and humorist Mark Twain once remarked as "Humor is Mankind's greatest blessing." Henry Ward Beecher, a great social reformer and speaker said, "A person without s sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road."

Some sample jokes are presented here.

1. During the Intermission of a movie show, I met a friend. He asked, "Came for the movie?" I replied, "No! No! Just to meet you."

2. Wife: You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.

    Man: If you tell a woman something, it goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

3. Son: Dad, how much does it cost to get married?

Father: I never calculated; I am still paying for it!

Remember, Humor makes our life simple and enjoyable. And the most important, it fosters friendship and unites the people irrespective of their creed, faith, and nationality. In short, it augurs well for a Happy and healthy life to everybody.

June 19, 2021

Restlessness: Causes, Effects, And Remedies

Restlessness means the lack of rest and quietness in a person. It's not a disease or disorder.  It can be felt in the mind or body or both. Despite the conscious efforts to contain the mind, it remains in an agitated status when one or several thoughts spring up randomly and simultaneously. Such a disturbed mind provokes a person to move around aimlessly and  end up in a fatigued body. Restlessness is different from the activeness, as the latter performs any task with focus when the mind and body work in tandem. Overactiveness is although a mild form of restlessness, the anxiety and fatigue are not felt. Ant and Hummingbird are good examples for activeness whereas the Squirrel is the overactive animal. Man alone exhibits the behavior of restlessness.

Causes of Restlessness are many. The most common and frequent reasons are listed here. 1) Anxiety arising from pessimism 2) Inadequate sleep and rest 3) Excessive worries about the future 4) Weakness and poor health due to illness 5) Obsession for power and control 6) Lack of faith and trust in others 7) Element of fear 8) Overzealous to get success and results 9) Engage in multitasking 10) Possession of too much knowledge and skill 11) Paucity of time and emergency situations, and 12) Matters of self-interest. 

Effects of Restlessness are several. The major five consequences are given to understand the significance. 1) Lack of self-confidence 2) Tension and stress culminating in chaos 3) Deterioration in physical health 4) Poor mental ability leading to wrong judgement and strained relationships, and 5) Seclusion from others.

Remedies to overcome the restlessness. Delegate the works to others or attend them based on the priority. When facing dilemmas or stress, move away from the scene to remain idle and lonely without any action. Practice yoga and meditation to restore patience, concentration and confidence. Take a rest at intervals and relax by closing the eyes. Divert and focus attention towards what is more absorbing and rejuvenating to the mind. Do not prefer any temporary relief through the tranquilizers and sedatives that are harmful in the long run. 

A normal man will experience the restlessness in extraordinary situations like loss of the dear ones, failure in the profession or business, natural calamities, etc.. In a weak minded person, it emerges naturally and frequently. By constant practice and faith, the restlessness can be got rid of. Nothing is impossible to change.

June 18, 2021

Never Assume Things

A driver with an accident-free record can make mistakes and end up in an accident. Persons with good demeanor can also commit crimes. Do not think a money conscious person will repay any money owed to others. Do not take the enemy's strength for granted to make the wrong move. The person steering a car need not be the owner, but a driver or even a thief. Neither all those dressed well are civilized nor the people clad in simple clothes lack discipline. Don't conclude that all educated people will be wise and smart. Not all doctors will diagnose and cure the illness. 

A person in a house need not be the owner as it could be the tenant or a servant or a stranger. After the field inspection of a palatial house, an investigating agency presented a report to a bank by quoting the lessee as the owner of the property. The bank sold the security in an auction to realize the money lent to the lessee. Later, the actual owner filed a criminal case against the bank for negligence and wrong action of selling his property.  

The artificial stones make us believe them as the real gems. Many robberies and thefts capitalize on this weakness. The fake items are kept behind the original object to mislead the onlooker. A major fraud of embezzlement came to light when the cash holdings were checked in a bank's currency office. Though the storage boxes had the original currency notes on the top, the counterfeit notes were found at the bottom. 

All looking white cannot be the milk or toddy. A person may consume a soft drink in bar, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. Whoever is seen at the police station cannot be the culprits. A casual visitor to the court cannot be assumed as a lawyer or judge. Assuming a dead person as sleeping is an error in judgement. The possession of vast wealth does not make the owner rich. There are people who live in palaces, but lead a poor life for lack of income. A rich business owner filed for insolvency to avoid the attachment of his assets and estate and escape from the recovery proceedings of another business that lent money to him.

When there is any sickness, many seek the Internet to interpret their symptoms and  decide their ailment. Out of fear, one fellow spent a huge amount for a CAT scan and took the report to a specialist who said, " Nothing to worry. it's an ordinary sinusitis problem." Thus, online diagnosis can go wrong, upsetting the net users psychologically. The anxiety generated by visiting the medical websites is called as ' Cyberchondria.'

By simply assigning the works to the employees and subordinates, no business can expect the desired results. The management needs to monitor and control the activities at regular intervals. Not only the money and time are wasted, but the reputation also suffers. A prudent driver should not assume that everyone on the road will behave properly. A traveler shall not assume the new place will have all facilities.

Therefore, do not presume anything before making any judgement. It's the prerogative of the theorists to formulate the ideas with all assumptions. Lethargy is a common excuse for making assumptions. For any good purpose, we can assume, but not for bad acts. For instance, donation to a charity is made on the expectation that it will reach the needy.

June 17, 2021

Things That Don't Have Any Guarantees

Everything in the present world revolves around awareness, safety and precautions. Before entering into any deal or agreement, we do the due diligence like ascertaining others' experiences, verifying the terms and conditions, and comparing with the similar products. All this is done to ensure that our money is spent wisely and usefully. One thing that we insist before deciding to strike the deal is the guarantee provided by the vendor. However, there are ten things in our life that do not carry any guarantee at all. They are listed here.

1. Life: Right from the moment of birth, there is no guarantee for a person's life to continue. Neither the aging can be reversed nor the death is avoidable. Both are certainties. The only uncertainty is when the death will happen. Science could not find answers to these mysteries. 

2.Nature: The environment that surrounds us changes rapidly. Despite the advancements in the technologies, the climate and the natural phenomena like storm, tsunami, etc. cannot be accurately forecast. Similarly, the experts can only predict the eruption of volcano, sea invasion, and earthquake, but unable to confirm their incidence precisely.

3. Love and Affection: Expecting others to reciprocate the love and care showered by a person becomes a selfish act. Parents generally desire their grown-up children treat them with the same love and affection. Friends also rear such feelings and hope for mutual relationships. However, there is no guarantee for gratitude.

4. Medical Services: None of the doctors, surgeons and diagnostic centers will give guarantee for their products and services. To safeguard themselves, they obtain a declaration from a patient or the family members to the effect that the surgery or treatment is done with the consent of the latter. The profession tries the best, but saving the life depends on several factors like the patients' health and reactions during and after the treatment.

5. Repair and restoration: A service like repair or alteration for anything does not give guarantee. The repair of footwear, maintenance service for vehicles, and renovations to the old building do not bear any guarantee. Likewise, the restructured loans of banks have no assurance of repayment. 

6. Returns from the Stock market: Even the experts would not assure, but guide the safe ways of investment in the shares and bonds. The movement of the share prices is a puzzle influenced by several factors of selfish, personal, and business reasons.

7. Votes: The promises given during any elections are seldom fulfilled by those reaching the powers. Of late, the citizens have realized this fact. Some boycott the election, while some bargain for cash and gifts against their votes. 

8. Drunkard: One that believes the deeds and words of an inebriated cannot be a prudent person. Because the drunk person loses his senses and self-consciousness due to the paralyzing effect of the substance he consumed. The state of intoxication amounts to a temporary madness. That's why a court of law rejects the claims against the drunkard. 

9. Insane and Insolvent people: Promises and actions of people with an unsound mind are never binding on them. Naturally, there is no guarantee for seeking compensation for any loss due to the behavior of an insane person. Similarly, the money lent to a bankrupt person or business cannot be recovered.

10. Recycled products: Any object made from the materials derived from the scraps and wastes will not have a long life or value for money. So, no guarantee will be provided for such products. 

It's a paradox that the human beings seek guarantees and warranties for other objects when their own existence is uncertain. One can only plan and act, but cannot assume the outcome. Some people call this undefined gap as 'Destiny'. Some attribute this to the effect of a 'Supernatural power' or 'God.' Whatever is, one should discharge his duty honestly and live happily by sharing with others.

June 16, 2021

Education Should Empower Life

Education is meant for equipping a person with skills and knowledge to live the life meaningfully. Any curriculum, be it at the school, college, and training levels, should enable the learner to upgrade the capabilities for contributing more to the life on Earth. Whatever be the systems adopted for education, the purpose must remain the same. 

The policies and systems of the government affect the academic advancement and career of several deserving people. The authorities should admit the students by giving importance to the talents than the quotas based on caste and religion, donations, and recommendations. By denying the admission to the meritorious students, the society actually stands to lose from the potential benefits that accrue from the education of the former. 

The Purpose of education needs to be achieved by imparting theory and practice simultaneously. It should kindle the minds to think and explore new horizons. Aptitude based learning has to be encouraged, and the employment orientated approach must be discarded. The syllabus should instill courage  and confidence in the learner and not become a burden. Students must be trained in the upkeep of  their places and the surroundings. The subjects of civic sense and morality should be taught from the primary level of eight years age. The options to study any language other than the mother tongue must be available in any school or college.

Campus atmosphere makes the difference. The infrastructure and the staff strength in a school or college have a definite impact on the quality of education. The modern gadgets like cell phone or tablets can be shunned as they distract and divert attention not only in the classrooms but during other times. Each student must adhere to a dress code to avoid discrimination. Any misbehavior and deviation from the discipline should be rectified by counseling and persuasion rather than by the penalizing method. Any sort of hatred must be avoided by friendly interactions and advisory tactics. At any cost, do not promise any rewards as they have temporary effects only. In the same way, any politics should be banned from the educational premises.

Exams should test the application of skills and presence of mind, instead of the memory power in vomiting and scoring marks. The system of admission based on the marks exerts undue stress on the learners' minds. In order to prepare well and take on the exams relaxed, coaching and guidance by all the stakeholders are preferable. A State government in India has launched a helpline for the students seek advice from the professionals before, during, and after the exams. 

Elders should set a good example. Parents and other elders of the family play a crucial role in shaping the minds of the kids. Teachers and parents should uphold the moral values in everyday life. A college lecturer secured the job by producing a fake community certificate as there was reservation available for the lower caste. The Vice chancellor of a varsity got the top post by corrupt means and bribing those in powers. 

Education should guide a person for long term and sustainable benefits. Learning the art of cooking helps to live in any part of the world. Wealth lost can be regained through effective use of one's knowledge. Self-reliance and confidence are the fruits of any education. So, Education is the greatest of all assets in the world. And, indestructible too!

June 15, 2021

Development Comes With a Price

Development and greediness of humanity have telling effects on the present and future generations. Encroachment on the forests and agricultural lands for putting up high-rise concrete jungles, commercialization and politicization of the resources, selfishness replacing the morality, etc., are the common causes for the ecological imbalance and climatic changes. Population growth and the craze for making of fast bucks aggravate this situation. Communalism and fanaticism gain prominence over conscience and rectitude. The effects of man's progress so far on the three spheres of the Earth are narrated here below.

Ocean: Population of marine organisms and animals is reported to have dipped by 50% in the last four decades, thanks to the overfishing and the global warming. Many coral reefs and underwater plant species have become history. They remain as exhibits in the museums and serve as specimens of laboratories. Dumping the spent fuels from nuclear facilities, the wastes from the human habitations, and the oil spills from the marine vessels have aggravated the situation of dwindling marine biodiversity.

Land: The impact of the ever-increasing population is badly felt in many ways. The endless demand for housing stocks and structures like roads, bridges, and towers has made the humans to encroach the forests and marshlands that were once the home of a variety of flora and fauna. The excessive suction of ground water led to the seepage of seawater rendering the inland water unfit for cultivation and drinking. An Intensive farming with the chemicals and machines for quicker and bumper harvests has spoilt the nature and fertility of the soil, and it affected the human health through the poisonous elements ingested from the food. The techniques of tissue culture, cloning, stem-cell and gene splicing aim at bypassing Nature. The effluents discharged from the tanneries, and the dye manufacturing factories pollute the surface and ground water sources. 

Scientists reported that burning all fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) would raise the sea level by 200 feet as the entire ice of Antartica would melt due to the rise in temperature and submerge the lands in the coastal areas. Half of such melting could occur in a millennium. The Mahseer, a gigantic golden and game fish for anglers across, is fast disappearing due to the global warming, and rampant mining. The Sparrow earlier sighted in the neighborhood has become a rarity after the microwave towers sprang up for cellular networks. The vast and open grounds that were once the playgrounds gave way to the shopping mall and residential complex. The kids of the next generation end up playing games in their houses on electronic gadgets such as PlayStation and mobiles. 

Air: Ultraviolet radiation harms life on Earth when the ozone layer in the atmosphere gets depleted by the gases emerging from the electrical and electronic devices, and heavy industries. Poisonous gas leaks from chemical industries and the radiation and pollution from atomic power plants killed millions of people and incapacitated many others including the foetuses. Atomic bombs and chemical weapons used during the wars devastated many nations.

So, Development comes at the cost of the lives of the present and future generations. Sustainable growth is ideal for organic life. Anything that violates Nature does not last long.

June 14, 2021

Senses And Desires of Human Beings

Five senses differentiate the animals and birds from the human tribes. This fact is borne out of the so-called Sixth sense or Reasoning power of human beings. Three dimensions make the earth, but the invisible fourth dimension i.e. Time determines its fate. Likewise, the powerful sixth sense can control and overrule the other fives. However, in reality, this sense of humans fails to be just for the self. The person who controls all his senses, but harbors an innate desire for the enjoyment of such senses, is a Liar. For example, a chain smoker pretends to have stopped his habit, but he rears the desire to have a puff.

Sight is the most important of all senses. It helps to admire Nature and the physical traits like shape, color and size of anything. Beauty always entices our eyes, but many beautiful things harbor the danger within. Infatuation in youth spoils their future. The sense of taste lands in all troubles and mishaps. The fish ends life in a bait. Sugar patients aggravate diabetes through consuming more sweets. The deep-fried and roasted food boosts up the blood pressure. Spice is nice to the tongue but harms the stomach. Sharp hearing leads to eavesdropping, creates mistrust and breaks the relationships. Touch soothes a lonely soul; Pat on the back gives flip to an employee, and It forms the root of sexual desire. Smell stirs up ecstasy and desire to experience the source that produces the odor. There is a Seventh sense or Extrasensory perception (ESP) that occurs rarely in some people. This sense provides powers to see the events of the past and the future. Naturally, the possessor has no fear or fervor towards anything in life.

Desire is the source of all evils and sufferings in our life. Senses, Mind, and Knowledge are the sources of desires. The flower's bright hue draws our attention. Even a sumptuous feast does not evoke any interest when a person lacks hunger or exercise self-restraint. One should exercise control over the senses with the help of mind and knowledge to get rid of the desire. Senses rule the body, but the mind is superior to the senses. Knowledge is more powerful than the mind. According to Bhagavad Gita, the Soul overrules all these. 

Animals and birds driven by the power of five senses behave intelligently. A man has an inferior demeanor. Why? Is it simply owing to the self-pride arising from the feeling of superiority attributed to the sixth sense?

Do We Need Rules in Our Life?

The development and progress of any society depend on the systems it follows. Divergence and disparities in the conduct of the individuals tend to distract the aim of the society. However, when a set of standards and procedures is put in place, people behave in an orderly manner which in turn promotes cohesion and cohabitation. This is the essence of any rule or law intending the safety and welfare of the people. These rules are applicable to all without any discrimination or bias. Thanks to the sixth sense of reasoning for bringing up the disciplinary system.

The ancient men learned to live in groups after getting fed up with the initial life of wandering and hunting like animals. They later devised certain unwritten norms for the movement and peaceful coexistence of the groups. What we have presently is a well-defined and complex set of rules and regulations to ensure the sovereignty and independence of a nation. VISA and passports fall under this category. In the absence of any rules, Humans would have turned wild, undisciplined, and disorganized. 

To understand the significance of the rules clearly, a few examples are presented here.

1) Road-rules not only make our drive safe, but also protect the lives of those moving along the road, pedestrians, and other vehicles. 2) Office rules provide for the discipline and conduct of the work in a congenial and systematic manner. 3) Byelaws of a Cooperative society enable its members to make transactions in a transparent and method. 4) The rules of any Regulating body prevent the unfair and unhealthy practices of marketing and competition among the countries, business firms, people. 5) Rules of a Public Transport company prevent unauthorized entry and carriage. 6) The Central bank of a country regulates the monetary and fiscal transactions from the public, banks, and other financial intermediaries, and 7) UNO has an elaborate framework of rules to avoid conflicts and foster unity among the nations. 

Nevertheless, the rules are subject to modifications in tune with the needs of the time also. When the culture and living styles change owing to the advancements in knowledge and technology, the obsolete laws warrant repeal or amendments. Else, the crime and mala fide acts get the upper hand.

Never try to bend the rules to suit your convenience or to favor somebody. Always respect the rules of the land wherever you are.

June 12, 2021

Beware Of ' Conditions Apply' Clause In Ads

We are living in highly commercialized and competitive market conditions. Even God needs a sponsor during festival seasons. For instance, in India, many leading business firms invest money during the public celebrations of God Ganesha birthday. The richly embellished and large statue of the God brings higher turnout of devotees and larger coverage in the mass media. Any business tries to employ all possible methods and gimmicks to lure the gullible consumers. Announcing the attractive offers is one such marketing technique. However, all such offers do come with one or many conditions, which are always shown in small letters or by the familiar phrase 'Conditions apply.'

A popular pizza outlet guarantees its service for delivery in 30 minutes or providing free stuff. However, the offer carries conditions as 'Not applicable during special occasions like New Year Eve, Christmas and festivals. Not valid for the bulk and small orders. Restricted to the first barrier point such as Security guard, Reception desk, etc..'

A Jewelry firm offered a diamond necklace free of cost as part of its New year celebrations. However, the 'Conditions apply' indicated the offer is available only if the order value exceeds a threshold limit. Actually, the cost of the free necklace works out to less than 2% of the minimum order size insisted under the offer. 

A reputed builder offered residential apartments for sale at six locations in a city. Its advertisement read as 'Pick any property and select any offer.' The choice of offers is listed: No registration charges, Modular kitchen, Wardrobes and Air conditioner, Complete set of home appliances, 5% Cash back, and Furniture and light fittings. The usual 'Conditions apply' tag carried an asterisk, but nowhere these conditions are narrated. On enquiry over the phone, the said builder informed that only those bookings made for three-bedroom or bigger size flats are eligible for selecting the offers. How misleading is the ad, isn't it?

One textile show room announced a whooping 70% discount in large and bold letters. However, a closer look revealed that the said discount was for the old and out-of-fashion stocks. A famous shoe dealer presented the off-season sale with a flat 60% discount. Actually, the shop displayed old and limited stocks under that offer, but this fact was deliberately suppressed to attract the customers. A tutorial center advertised 100% success of the students who joined it. Upon enquiry, it was found that only five persons studied there.

Many businesses come out with deep discounts on the costly products to woo the public. They play tricks in this also: offer the discount by inflating the original price or reducing the usual hefty profit margin by 20 to 50%. So buyers must be alert, not to get carried away by such misleading advertisements and offers. Moreover, Extra caution is required when the clause 'Conditions apply' appears in any of the ads.

June 11, 2021

Why Do Frauds Occur

 To most people, Money means many things in life. They toil from dawn to dusk for earning and accumulating wealth. In the process, they fail to care for the vital health by ignoring the food and respite, but pursue all austerities to save the money. Ultimately, they leave an estate without enjoying the life. The heirs bury or burn the corpse, but not the corpus or wealth left by the dead. 

The aspirations of the people are varied and infinite. Each person wishes the possession of plenty of money and power to satiate his/her dreams and desires. It's a natural characteristic of the human beings, but conspicuous by its absence in the animals or birds. A tiger will not seek a prey when its tummy is full. A crow will not search for food unless it feels hungry. Only the man remains restless due to his ever-growing hunger for money and power. As hard work takes time, he embarks on the illegitimate and short cut methods to reach the goal quickly. Fraud happens to be the easiest mode for all times. Here, the eight major reasons and backgrounds that give rise to the frauds are discussed.

Selfishness remains the chief source of all frauds. When a person indulges in protecting the interests of the kith and kin, he resorts to the fraudulent practices. The head of a varsity reportedly got the post by paying a huge sum to a corrupt political leader. Imagine the fate of the education in that institution.

Non-adherence to the norms leads to the incidence of frauds.  Failure to follow the systems and procedures ended in the loss of lives and properties as the greedy officer issued a license for running a school in an unfit building. Substandard weapons were sourced to get personal favors.

Risk prone technology gives scope to commit frauds. The gullible people are cheated by the sophisticated digital routes like phishing, vishing, smishing and skimming. Softwares are used to gather the vital personal information from the vulnerable netizens when the latter log into the Internet.

Negligence causes even an innocent mind to oscillate. Careless handling of documents and disclosure of Credit card and bank details by the account holders result in the siphoning of funds by the fraudsters.

Insider plays the trick. The share prices are boosted artificially when a person of the business manipulates the demand or supply for the stock. The younger brother of a family fabricated a will to deprive his two siblings of the shares in his mother's estate.

Unreasonable targets breed frauds. The field staff engages the intermediaries and brokers to secure more business by diluting the norms and the purpose. Family planning numbers were achieved by listing the aged and dead.

Imitation effects. People forgetting their capabilities and income level copy the lifestyle of others living in the neighborhood. It is seen as a prestige issue affecting one's status in the society. To cope with the increased financial needs, an individual resort to heavy borrowing or frauds like misappropriation of office funds and seeking bribes for office work.

Politics pollute the society. To stay in power and fill the coffers of the party, most of the politicians use the corruption and fraud as the major strategy. Money and muscle power dominate not only during the election times, but also when forming the governments. Booth-capturing and casting the fake votes are the usual fraudulent tactics adopted for getting the desired poll results.

Behind all frauds, two aspects are common: the opportunity and desire for getting more of money and power. Every day, frauds do take place at all levels of family, society, business, and government. However, these frauds get exposed certainly and belatedly. Very few people do not succumb to the evils of money and power as they know the real happiness lies in sharing the love and affection.

June 2, 2021

Love is Life

 Love is the most vital ingredient of our life. Without Love, Life will be a Big zero and empty. It helps to iron out our problems. All Religions also exist to nourish the spread and growth of love among us.

Love generally refers to the affection and association for anything. Many of us love our family, friends and neighbors. On and so forth. Some are strange to love animals and some others love flowers ...so on.

Life without love has no charm. It is like a lonely tree in a desert. Similarly, a person without love is a skin-clad bone cage only.

Love consists of  two types as "Specific" and "Pure."

Specific type refers to the normal love and affection among human beings. This is generally restricted to the members within a group. Example is Family.

Pure love looks beyond and extends to other life forms like Animals, Insects, Birds, etc...

Pure love has no limitations like selfishness, region, creed or caste. It has no boundaries and in fact integrates with Nature.

Pure love shares with others.

Pure love helps others in times of grief and sorrows.

Pure love breeds enduring peace and happiness.

True love brings out the divinity in you.

This is what Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi preached and practiced when they lived on this planet.

Time Lost is Life Wasted

My definition for TIME is Tricky Irreversible Moment Ever: Because time is elusive, faster and never retractable. We can buy anything but not Time. Such is the value of time. So Time is precious and invaluable. The significance of Time is realized by many people only after they suffer from it.

Any action that is not done in the right time is bound to have unfavorable or even adverse impact. For instance, kids should concentrate in their activities of study and play during the childhood. Youngsters must learn and exercise more during their teen age. Grownups should strive to sharpen their skills and talents by taking up a job or profession. When you become economically independent, get married.

"Punctuality" generally denotes “the timeliness "adherence to the time schedule”. The concept is related to the short term events. However, it should be used to signify the long term happenings also like stages of human life.

Scheduling various works based on your priority is the vital aspect of planning for a stress-free and happy life. Such scheduled format is called as Time Table. Can you imagine what will be the consequences if Railways or Airways don't draw schedules for the arrival and departures?

Napoleon the Great had the habit of riding his horse for hours together. But he carved a 10 minutes interval for a nap to recharge himself. He claimed this nap as a secret of his efficiency.

Only those who understand the value of time and that value time as  money are the shrewd and practical people and they always shine and  lead a happy life. That is business firms encourage their staff to do  overtime work: more productivity means more profit or earnings to all.

Hear what Great People felt about “Time”

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time - Abraham Lincoln

We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right - Nelson Mandela

We must use time as a tool, not as a couch - John F. Kennedy

Remember: Everybody has only 24 hours  in a day: even the great scholars, scientists, leaders.

Insurance Protects

Many of us think taking insurance is a cost and utter waste. But, remember, this cost is very least when you compare the benefits that accrue to you in the event of an unfortunate event . Moreover, the money spent in insurance contracts can be a good savings -cum- investment for your life and the family. You make a choice of good plans to cover the basic risks of your living like Life, Health, Home, Vehicles, etc..

Insurance takes care of the welfare of your family. For your business or profession, go for the policies that will insure the risks associated with your products, fixtures and fittings like plant and machinery, etc..

Even insurance for human organs or body is available at a special price. Celebrities do have such insurance for their body assets: Julia Roberts for her smile, Daniel Craig for his body, Jennifer Lopez for her derriere.

Do's & Don't s

- Always read the contract notes when received after committing to an insurance cover. Possibilities are there, that even after taking all precautions prior to buying the insurance product, some exclusions to the risks coverage.

- Always keep the policy in force by paying the premium regularly. Your claim will be rejected if you have not paid the premium.

- Always Keep the insurance company informed if you make any changes in the Address, change in the nature and composition of assets covered, etc.. This issue crops up in the case of business assets and movable assets like vehicles. When you buy a second hand asset, the risk is more: you have to ensure the title is transferred in your name before taking the insurance.

- Always buy Life insurance covers from the reputed companies which have a good name in the market.

New insurers tend to be inclined towards more business and profit , rather than the payment of the claims under their policies.

So, Insurance cost is a Not a Liability but an Investment for Future asset.

You get more benefit from Accident and Term insurance at a low cost. BE INSURED FOR HAPPY LIFE.

Goodwill Enriches Life

 Goodwill refers to an attitude which reflects friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings.

We tend to help and cooperate with only those who are known to us as Relatives, Friends, Colleagues and Neighbors.

What about those around us.....strangers, trees and plants, animals, birds and insects.

Do we care for them when they are in trouble or distress?

Honestly many of us ignore them as we mind our business only.....No goodwill is shown to them.

There are several occasions of this sort, that we come across in our daily life. We will study a few cases.

1) Bus Travel: When a person wearing dirty clothes boards the bus, most of the passengers express displeasure on his outward look and ask him to occupy a back seat. But this is an incorrect way of treating a fellow human being. On the contrary, if the same person happens to be a friend, you make him sit near to you.

2) Accident case: Again if the person involved in the accident is known to you, all kinds of help will be rendered to him. But the opposite behavior occurs if it is an unknown face.

3) Puppies: Sometimes we notice puppies standing in the middle of a road and screaming for their lost mother. Actually, these young ones are looking for a kind heart to help them with care and feed. Again, nobody is bothered about this tender life and we just walk past them.

4) Birds: Many birds are fast becoming extinct from our world due to the selfishness of human beings. Take the case of the chirping and small house sparrows which are gradually disappearing from their commonplace. People ignore when the sparrows are found in their region . We shall try to help these birds to multiply in their population, by providing the grains, water, etc... to them.

So GOODWILL actually means showing compassion for those who badly need some care and attention: the help provided to such needy is actually.....God's will or Goodwill.