Get Happiness

 1. Laziness- Mother of all Problems

Success in life depends on several aspects like education, friendship, intelligence, sincerity, etc. However, the lack of initiative spoils the life, even though a person possesses good education and other attributes. A famous business firm was wound up due to the indolence and apathy of the stake holders. Laziness is actually a disorder borne out of selfish attitude. One that gets rid of this is said to be wise and awaken. A person should work hard throughout life excepting in situations like sickness, fatigue, etc. Even the animals and birds remain busy, but the six-sensed man prefers to be lazy and casual. Observe the Ants, Bees and Squirrels for understanding the activeness. 'How the laziness affects our life' is described here below.

Health: Constant work keeps a person healthy and happy. If the heart stops functioning due to laziness or fatigue, our life comes to an end. Failure to maintain our body leads to the decay and damages to the visceral parts. An erratic intake of medicines complicates the health. Non-adherence to regular physical exercise revives the sickness. Excessive sleep from laziness upsets the plans of self and others. Languor to undergo the periodical medical check-up has a disastrous impact. Alcohol abuse is found to induce laziness.

Wealth: Lack of alertness produces pilferage and embezzlement. Inaction to maintain the estates makes the unscrupulous people squander the assets. Waywardness and sloth bring liabilities and disrepute to the legacy. Great Kingdoms saw the downfall owing to the irresponsible and dull heirs indulging in fun and frolic. Abundance also instills the habit of casualness and tendency to remain idle. 

Development: Though endowed with all resources and support, a society or country remains backward or underdeveloped primarily .due to the inertia of the people. On the contrary, some societies display extraordinary resilience and courage to grow faster in spite of the frequent natural hurdles like volcanoes, dry weather, etc. experienced in their regions. The inaction and sluggish attitude of the rulers have led to the poor living standards of people residing in a country. What else can be attributed to the pathetic conditions like Malnutrition, Poverty, etc..! Laziness prevented an athlete from attending regular coaching and thus, lost the prospects of winning championship and fame. Students who did not practice adequately failed in the exams. 

Spirituality. With persistence and sincerity only, great saints and scholars achieved the self-realization and the divine powers. Yoga and meditation produce harmful effects if they are not practiced regularly.
If everyone was lazy, we wouldn't have had the great towers, forts, bridges, automobiles, Internet, etc. Pope Paul VI said, "All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today."


2.  Common Sense, The Scarcest Commodity
Generally, with the rise in literacy and income levels, the standard of living should go up. This is not so with the present society.  Most people boast of having senses like the Knowledge sense, Money sense, Digital sense, Health sense, Dress sense, Civic sense, etc. However, they have little or no idea of Common sense, the vital aspect of the life. In fact, they will rebuke as " What is it, Nonsense? Some might even search this on the Internet while few would equate it with the Google.

The educated people tend to display less of this sense than the illiterates. The human mind has become blunt with the advent of computers to the extent that people have almost lost their memory and mental capacities. For anything and everything, they seek the help of computer and Internet. A stage will come when man will not have any thinking and  reasoning powers and will become slave of the digital devices(robots).

What is 'Common Sense?

Merriam-Webster's dictionary calls it as a sound judgment based on the mere perception of a situation or fact. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment required to live in a reasonable and safe way. In short, it is a practical application of knowledge and mind to decide anything. This sense is different from the common or general knowledge. A graduate might be good at general knowledge but lacking in the common sense. However, there are school dropouts that exhibit great depth of common sense and  administration skills.

Reasons for the poor level of Common sense.

Ignorance about its value. In public places like the library, club, airport lounge, etc., some people have the habit of grabbing and keeping all the newspapers and magazines with them, least bothered about how other visitors will avail the common facility.

Selfishness for personal interest and convenience. When an individual changes  the TV channels endlessly in search of his preference, the rest of the audience get frustrated. A money-conscious person will switch off the fans and lights in his home, but ignores the same at the office where he is not the owner. Politicians give attractive promises that cannot be implemented.

Casualness leads to a carefree approach. Acts like throwing the lit cigarettes, and spitting in the public places affect the safety of pedestrians. Rash driving, Using the cell phones while driving and walking, and the haphazard parking of the vehicles not only pose the traffic problem but endanger the lives of the self and others moving on the road.

Craziness for thrill and fame induce some towards adventurous things. Taking selfies in dangerous conditions such as the building rooftops, mountain cliffs, and running trains show the neglect for common sense. Walking on the steel ropes hung between the two buildings, Eating the poisonous insects are some examples of this.

Competition and responsibilities make many people forget the common sense. When his father suffered a heart attack, the son hastily drove the car ignoring the traffic signal. To present a rosy picture of the business, the boss of a company tweaked the financial reports without a second thought, that the truth will be exposed one day. Some individuals mix the problems of office and home affecting the productivity and peace of mind.

Laziness is another reason behind the absence of common sense. Many people do not replace the objects in the place from where they picked up. In a housing society, some households leave their motorcycles in the buildings' entrance blocking the common passage.

How to develop the Common sense? 

Some reliable methods are given here to improve the common sense. 1) Launching a curriculum on Common sense at all levels of educational system 2) Sensitizing the masses about its importance through widespread publicity 3) Learning from the experiences of others by reading the write-ups like this article and the thoughts of others shared through print and digital media, and 4) Self-practice in all situations is the best of all.

The benefits of Common sense. It results in safety and security of life and helps in saving money, resources, efforts, and time. The  most noteworthy benefit  is the gain of peace and happiness to everyone in the second society.

Let wiser counsel prevail with the common sense.


3. Friendship, A Must for Our Life

Friendship is the best relationship next only to the Family system that a person should have to lead a more meaningful life in this world. The quality and quantity of your friendship also determine the level of your success and happiness of your life. Quantity refers to the number of friends you have and the Quality represents the support and contribution made by your friends.

Abraham Lincoln said " I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend."

People boast of having a huge network of friends as a symbol of social status but the quality will be lacking as reflected by the formal interactions .Only lip service with bad intentions lying inside their mind.

Many people think friendship is only for gaining or earning money .Sorry, they are of selfish and self-centered nature: such friendship cannot long last and are bound to come to an end at any moment. Some people take the friendship for granted and they anticipate their friends to help them without reciprocation. But, true friendship is the one that always gives out and doesn't expect anything in return. One step further, a Good friend tolerates all the pains in making the Bad friend into a Good fellow.

The Chinese proverb says " Even two can sleep on a tamarind leaf if they are true friends."

My haiku on Friendship is
"East or west, the Best Friendship
bears and beats the of Life's hardship"

People always make friends of equal status. Poor with poor. Affluent with rich. Enemies to enemies. Drunkards with drunkards. Thieves and thieves. Passengers with passengers. Workers with workers. Officers with officers. Scholars seek scholars. Saints like saints.

The friends who stand with you during times of turbulence are the real one. Others actually get you tough times.

Very rarely, people of unequal status become friends. Such relationship is either short-lived or long lasting.
But true relationship of mutual trust and help leads to ever lasting bond.
The one for temporal gains will break away sooner than later.

4th August is celebrated as Friendship Day.

Remember to be a Good friend even to your Opponent.


4. Goodwill Enhances

Goodwill refers to an attitude which reflects friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings.

We tend to help and cooperate with only those who are known to us as Relatives, Friends, Colleagues and Neighbors.

What about those around us.....strangers, trees and plants, animals, birds and insects.
Do we care for them when they are in trouble or distress?
Honestly many of us ignore them as we mind our business only.....No goodwill is shown to them.
There are several occasions of this sort, that we come across in our daily life. We will study a few cases.

1) Bus Travel: When a person wearing dirty clothes boards the bus, most of the passengers express displeasure on his outward look and ask him to occupy a back seat. But this is an incorrect way of treating a fellow human being. On the contrary, if the same person happens to be a friend, you make him sit near to you.

2) Accident case: Again if the person involved in the accident is known to you, all kinds of help will be rendered to him. But the opposite behavior occurs if it is an unknown face.

3) Puppies: Sometimes we notice puppies standing in the middle of a road and screaming for their lost mother. Actually, these young ones are looking for a kind heart to help them with care and feed. Again, nobody is bothered about this tender life and we just walk past them.

4) Birds: Many birds are fast becoming extinct from our world due to the selfishness of human beings. Take the case of the chirping and small house sparrows which are gradually disappearing from their commonplace. People ignore when the sparrows are found in their region . We shall try to help these birds to multiply in their population, by providing the grains, water, etc... to them.

So GOODWILL actually means showing compassion for those who badly need some care and attention: the help provided to such needy is actually.....God's will or Goodwill


5. Insurance for Safety

Many of us think taking insurance is a cost and utter waste. But, remember, this cost is very least when you compare the benefits that accrue to you in the event of an unfortunate event . Moreover, the money spent in insurance contracts can be a good savings -cum- investment for your life and the family. You make a choice of good plans to cover the basic risks of your living like Life, Health, Home, Vehicles, etc...

Insurance takes care of the welfare of your family. For your business or profession, go for the policies that will insure the risks associated with your products, fixtures and fittings like plant and machinery, etc...

Even insurance for human organs or body is available at a special price. Celebrities do have such insurance for their body assets: Julia Roberts for her smile, Daniel Craig for his body, Jennifer Lopez for her derriere.

Do's & Don't s

- Always read the contract notes when received after committing to an insurance cover. Possibilities are there, that even after taking all precautions prior to buying the insurance product, some exclusions to the risks coverage.

- Always keep the policy in force by paying the premium regularly. Your claim will be rejected if you have not paid the premium.

- Always Keep the insurance company informed if you make any changes in the Address, change in the nature and composition of assets covered, etc.. This issue crops up in the case of business assets and movable assets like vehicles. When you buy a second hand asset, the risk is more: you have to ensure the title is transferred in your name before taking the insurance.

- Always buy Life insurance covers from the reputed companies which have a good name in the market.

New insurers tend to be inclined towards more business and profit , rather than the payment of the claims under their policies.

So, Insurance cost is a Not a Liability but an Investment for Future asset.

You get more benefit from Accident and Term insurance at a low cost. BE INSURED FOR HAPPY LIFE.


6. Time is Invaluable

My definition for TIME is Tricky Irreversible Moment Ever: Because time is elusive, faster and never retractable. We can buy anything but not Time. Such is the value of time. So Time is precious and invaluable. The significance of Time is realized by many people only after they suffer from it.

Any action that is not done in the right time is bound to have unfavorable or even adverse impact. For instance, kids should concentrate in their activities of study and play during the childhood. Youngsters must learn and exercise more during their teen age. Grownups should strive to sharpen their skills and talents by taking up a job or profession. When you become economically independent, get married.

"Punctuality" generally denotes “the timeliness "adherence to the time schedule”. The concept is related to the short term events. However, it should be used to signify the long term happenings also like stages of human life.

Scheduling various works based on your priority is the vital aspect of planning for a stress-free and happy life. Such scheduled format is called as Time Table. Can you imagine what will be the consequences if Railways or Airways don't draw schedules for the arrival and departures?

Napoleon the Great had the habit of riding his horse for hours together. But he carved a 10 minutes interval for a nap to recharge himself. He claimed this nap as a secret of his efficiency.

Only those who understand the value of time and that value time as  money are the shrewd and practical people and they always shine and  lead a happy life. That is business firms encourage their staff to do  overtime work: more productivity means more profit or earnings to all.

Hear what Great People felt about “Time”

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time - Abraham Lincoln

We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right - Nelson Mandela

We must use time as a tool, not as a couch - John F. Kennedy

Remember: Everybody has only 24 hours  in a day: even the great scholars, scientists, leaders.


7. Love is Life
Love is the most vital ingredient of our life. Without Love, Life will be a Big zero and empty. It helps to iron out our problems. All Religions also exist to nourish the spread and growth of love among us.

Love generally refers to the affection and association for anything. Many of us love our family, friends and neighbors. On and so forth. Some are strange to love animals and some others love flowers on.

Life without love has no charm. It is like a lonely tree in a desert. Similarly, a person without love is a skin-clad bone cage only.

Love consists of  two types as "Specific" and "Pure."

Specific type refers to the normal love and affection among human beings. This is generally restricted to the members within a group. Example is Family.

Pure love looks beyond and extends to other life forms like Animals, Insects, Birds, etc...
Pure love has no limitations like selfishness, region, creed or caste. It has no boundaries and in fact integrates with Nature.

Pure love shares with others.
Pure love helps others in times of grief and sorrows.
Pure love breeds enduring peace and happiness.

True love brings out the divinity in you.
This is what Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi preached and practiced when they lived on this planet.

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