June 2, 2021

Do These For Happy Life

  1. Remember The Roots

Forgetting one's past and roots amounts to pride and ignorance unless the person is affected by amnesia or lunacy. This is the reason we need to know the history and heritage of our family and world in particular, and the evolution of life in general. Even animals and birds remember their bases to return home after day-long trips, but human conveniently ignores those who shaped his career so far. The fruits can't take credit for their nicety neglecting the underground roots. An elegant and mammoth tower rests on the strong foundation only. Our body sans the bones will look like a deflated tube. A person should not forget the parents and others after achieving his or her growth and prosperity. A real incident will amplify the point.

A childless couple adopted and brought up a poor boy with all comforts and goodness of life. The lad became a talented engineer and secured placement in a reputed company. The caring couple duly got him married to a beautiful girl and gifted their estate retaining a tiny apartment. Unfortunately, the foster son deserted the old couple to live with his new wife. The systems of family and society are in place to avert waywardness and create involvement in life.

Adherence to the customs and rituals of a family cannot be branded as orthodox or outdated. Actually, such practice leads to peace and happiness in the society. For example, the heirs of erstwhile kingdoms strictly indulge in charity to distribute gifts to the public on special occasions like birthday, festivals, etc.. In fact, they share their wealth with others. All over the world, people celebrate festivals to remember and thank the Nature for the good rainfall and harvests. In the same way, a person should never forget the teachers who taught the lessons for life, the farmers providing the nourishment of growth, and the profession or employment for livelihood. Sharing the benefits of what we gained so far with others is the right way of expressing gratitude to the society at large.

Our life revolves around the Nature for sustenance and posterity. The advent of science and technology coupled with the ever-growing greediness of human beings have caused the irreversible damages to Nature affecting our own existence. Deforestation, Inorganic farming, excessive dependence on machines, genetic alteration techniques, etc. are a few examples that show man's departure from the Nature. The consequences are already visible as climatic change, drought, emergence of new diseases and disorders, etc.. Newton's law 'Any action has a reaction' is bound to apply if we don't mend our ways immediately. None will respect the one that fails from appreciating the past. An honest soul always reverberates with good thoughts and deeds.


2. Never Ignore Small Things

Life is short but ridden with a plethora of issues of varying nature and intensity. A person gains experience and expertise through age and encounter with problems. One small step alone makes us reach several destinations. One small idea only opens the way for establishing great kingdoms and landmarks. Anything small is beautiful and easy to handle also. Everything has a small beginning: Kid, Puppy, Cub, and so on. The significance of many small aspects is overlooked and unknown to many of us. A few examples of them are illustrated hereunder to drive the point home.

Food: A pinch of salt makes the food tasty and palatable. An invisible yeast helps the Baker and the distillery. Small seed produces the fruit, vegetable and nuts. Tiny bait traps a big fish. A chilli might be short, but its pungency adds taste and flavor. Minuscule mustard gives strength and taste. Diminutive clove has a great aroma and medicinal value.

Machinery: Any vehicle starts by pressing a small button only. A small hole sinks the huge ship. Tiny screw ensures the flight's safety. Application of a little grease keeps a machine running smoothly.

Workplace: An erroneous punctuation renders the whole sentence meaningless and awkward. A clerical error costs a huge loss to the bank. Small password opens a computer. Small cog wheel runs a clock. A little smile relaxes the tense situation. Tiny chip controls the computer. A slim SIM card enhances our life. Small spark destroys the whole business. Minute aperture in a camera captures the panoramic scene.

Resources: Several raindrops make the valuable water and a devastating deluge as well. Piggy savings help in an emergency. Small bricks constitute a palace. Little candle brings life to a dark place. A needle enables to stitch and wear clothes. Each cell makes our physique. A gene carries an individual's personality.

Health: An obscure virus challenges the giant life. A food bit trapped between the teeth bothers the face much. A nap recharges the fatigued mind. Small stone irritates the feet more than a big rock. Little joy makes our life charming. Medicine cures the disease when given in a small dose. Any food harms if consumed in large quantity. Do not neglect a bruise that may otherwise spoil your health.

Warfare: An inch of incursion ignites the duel between nations. A remote button fires the missiles across the frontiers. A destructive explosion occurs due to the release of enormous energy from a relatively small matter (nucleus).

Morality: Never allow small mistakes to repeat. They embolden us to commit grave crimes. A black patch makes the whole cloth dirty. A honest person loses the name when a small offence is exposed.

Small grass stands firm, but the tall tree gets uprooted during a storm. Likewise, even a long relationship breaks up when a little suspicion creeps in. Therefore, never ignore or underestimate anything as small or trifle.


3. Delay is Dangerous

Procrastination is like a disease that spoils a person’s life.

We all suffer from it at varying degrees throughout our lives and hence, I consider it a disease for the impact it has on lives. Lost opportunities, regrets, depression  are to name a few.

There’s always the feeling that what is due now can be done later and feels better-doing later. Better kill that thought immediately, prioritize your tasks and get them done without much fuss and rush.

Our habits and thoughts have to be trained like a bodybuilder or athlete to cultivate the habit of doing continuous work on time.

When an amazing idea or a cool new thought popped in your mind, don’t put it off, get it done then and there. Here also when more than one occurs, jot down them in a piece of paper or smart phone or tablet for execution or implementation subsequently....but remember......to be done without much delay.

As you go through the motion of putting your plan in action, all sorts of doubts about the idea and your abilities will pop up in your mind, ignore them and push on. Ignore the fear of failure as there is no such thing as failure if you keep moving.

Many a times, we are confronted with the shortage of time or inability to focus on issues that warrant our  attention. This sort of situation arises mainly due to our improper planning and execution.

Here Ten vital ideas are listed for enabling a person to effectively utilize the limited and irreversible time.

Focus on the Important and Urgent things.
Remove the Clutter.
Get Organized and Stay That Way.
Set Daily Goals and Rewards.
Execute Decisions Faster.
Delegate and Learn to Love It.
Just say No to other works or even entertainment.
Seek others help when in a dilemma.
Avoid last minute rush.
Learn While You Workout.

You can develop your own ways and methods, but definitely they will revolve around these ideas only.


4. Never Imitate Others

Actually, by trying to copy others, people stand to lose themselves. Instead, they should identify and develop the inherent potential which is unique to them.

It's a crazy world. Many of us try to imitate others. If your neighbor gets the latest Smart TV, you scramble to get the same for your home also. When the kids of your friend study in a good college, making all efforts to see your children also get admission in the same place. If you friend buys a new jewelry, yearning to do the same thing.

Why not we understand the needs that are appropriate to us? Why don't we realize what is our potential and make a difference out of it. Each person has distinct and inherent skill. The one who identifies and develops that innate ability is bound to shine in life. This is the secret of all successful personalities.

To be precise, Discover the power hidden within you.

All great Achievers had this quality in common.

God Krishna preached this through Bhagavad Gita as " One should act according to one's own nature. Even if this appears faulty, this is better than doing something unnatural. Better to die engaged in duties appropriate of one's nature because unnatural work only brings evil and danger to everybody."

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