October 24, 2023

How To Handle When Bad Situations Crop Up

Go with the flow like a wooden log without being submerged in the flow, but seize the right opportunity to reach ashore.

Bad things are difficult but stepping stones to gain valuable lessons in life.

A sailor becomes good only after facing a storm and high tides of ocean.

Many scientific inventions are the result after repeated failures or bad experiences only.

Many experts in any trade or profession did not gain the prominence overnight, but through many setbacks and sufferings only.

So, have a positive attitude to face and handle any situations but without losing self-confidence and conviction that you will definitely reach your destination one day. 

September 12, 2023

Which is the Best, Money or Time?

 Time is the best.

Time lost cannot be regained. Money cannot replenish Time. With money, nobody can get back the past youth, good health or lost relationships.

Even for delay in returning borrowed money, we seek Time only to generate funds.


Time well utilized is more rewarding than money accumulated.

Nobody can get back the time to relive the life.

One who lives happily by enjoying the present moments instead of worrying about the future life, is a wise man.

Forget the past or future, seize the opportunity to live happily. Naturally, you tend to be positive minded and develop confidence to face the Tomorrow.

With Time, seeds grow, mountains become soil, leaf turns into silk, etc.


September 7, 2023

When Does Your Joy Multiply?

 Joy is the ultimate goal of our life. 

When you get what you wish, you get joy.

When you achieve a milestone in life, feel the taste of joy.

When you exceed your own expectations, a surprise turns to joy.

When the opponent tunes your supporter, again experience joy.

However, the most and highest level of joy is found when?

The moment you share, whatever you have with others, you stand to experience the boundless joy.


Because, the last one is an action done without any expectation of any return to you. The sight of happy faces of people around you makes you emotional and realise the value of helping others.

That’s selflessness or altruism displayed. 

So, do help others in whatever possible ways, be it a small donation to charity or helping an aged person to get a seat in a crowded train. 

A small step of such helping tendency will grow into a lifetime humanitarian act, culminating in a sense of  satisfaction of having led a useful life.

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