September 13, 2024

How Do You Know ‘You are An Unwelcome Guest’?

 This is a familiar feeling any person will get during any assembly of people such as social get-together of a family or community. 

The behaviour and body language of your hosts will convey the feeling that your presence is not liked by them as compared to other guests. And, the normal honour and respect expected in such situations will be missing. Generally, enemies, frequent visitors, hated-people, and uninvited guests are categorised as Unwelcome guests.

Dislike towards an unwanted guest will manifest in many waysbut most of them expressed through improper behaviour such as limited interaction, pretending to be busy, spending more time with others, denial of food and drinks given to others, Show of irritation, etc.

The human attitude becomes so uncivilised, harsh and bad that even during death of a person, the hosts discriminate certain visitors as Unwelcome people.

August 6, 2024

Why Many Bosses Don’t Appreciate Their Subordinates

 Such bosses are bound to incur losses in the long run in business and personal spheres. Because, any person who fails in moral standards will have to face consequences.

A good boss is one who takes care of his staff in all possible ways, and treat them as his family. He should shower praises when good things are done and should also criticise them for mistakes. Before bringing in any changes in system and procedure, he should seek the opinion of staff also to instil confidence and sense of belonging in the latter.

It is a wrong notion that some bosses assume that any appreciation will weaken his control over his staff and result in decline in staff's performance, which ultimately will affect his reputation and Career prospects.

There are many business groups like Tata in India which have a staff-favouring atmosphere consisting of the qualities described hereinabove.

July 25, 2024

Money or Dignity

Which of the above, you will opt.?

A righteous and right thinking person will opt for dignity.

Because, life without dignity has no value even if you possess huge power or wealth.

July 2, 2024

Someone Looks You Up and Down…

 What does it mean?

Scrutiny, Checking, Measuring, Sizing-up are some words to answer the question.

This action of a person might be out of disrespect or surprise or strangeness.

But never get upset with such situations. Be your own Self.

Because, your originality can never be copied by others.

June 25, 2024

Whether Debt is Good or Bad?

 Depends on how you put that debt into use.

If debt is intended to be used for a productive purpose like creation of asset or employment or treatment of a disease or education, it becomes good.

When a debt is intended for unproductive use like gambling, purchase of raffles, etc. it tends to be bad.

Anything that causes beneficial effects is considered good. Because such activity or thing multiplies the happiness and prosperity.