July 13, 2021

Stay Healthy and Happy, Naturally.

All healthy people are not happy. Neither all wealthy persons are healthy. Without health and happiness, life is nothing but in vain. There are many ways to get your health, but the ideal one is the natural method.

Instead of wasting your hard-earned money in seeking help from the market, the following practical and easiest methods will help you.

Physical strain is a must. Regularly exercise like Walking, Jogging, Skipping, Cycling, etc. depending upon your age. Morning or evening time is ideal. Yoga is the best as it trains the mind while strengthening the body. However, do any yoga or physical exercise before taking food or/and bath.

Relax the brain. Meditate to gain concentration by focusing on one aspect. In the early stages, the mind will be running out of control, but with repeated practice, freshness and power are palpable.

Eating habits do matter. Always eat at the right time. Avoid spicy food. Fiber-rich food likes greens, nuts, etc. and fresh fruit juices are preferable. Do not eat too much, and stop when you feel like eating more. Eat, to satisfy the hunger, but not to satisfy your tongue.

Work-style is important. Always have a Systematic Approach. Never be in a hurry. Prioritize your works and problems based on importance. Postpone the avoidable things. Even in a dilemma, do not build up stress. If it is an urgent issue, just relax by any one of these methods. 1. Move away from that place and chat with another person. 2. Drink a cup of coffee or tea. 3. Listen to the music of your choice. 4. Close the eyes and take a deep breath in and exhale. 5. Play game on your desktop. However, if you can handle the matter later, go home and relax. Surely, you would have found a way out. If the problem still persists, discuss with other people to get alternatives. Better keep the office and home issues separate, even if you run an office from home.

Have diversions from routine. Visit your friends or relatives or neighbor. Make a trip to any picnic spot. Participate in social activities. Change the room settings like furniture positions of your living or office space every six months. Watch good movies.

Sleep provides peace and vitality. A nap after meals makes you fresh during the day. Deep sleep rejuvenates your brain and body. Many people suffer from lack of good sleep for the reasons like too active in their business or profession. If you wish instant sleep, try reading some boring books.

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