May 19, 2022

Your Behavior Reflects Your Character

The behavior of human beings tends to vary depending on the age, situation, education, and status in the society. An individual display different conduct when alone as compared to his demeanor in a group. Some people are timid at home and act fearless in other places. However, some people exhibit silly habits that are unbecoming of the normal humans. In fact, they are unethical pointing to the indecent and uncivilized character. Here, a list of twelve common silly behaviors is given to understand them.

1. Passengers hustle to board the train though they have the confirmed tickets. Some people climb over the wheels and squeeze through the windows of the buses to get seats during the festival seasons.

2. Residents fight each other for collecting the relief materials distributed by the government agencies. Some people don't appreciate the services being rendered to them during the deluge due to heavy rains but insist for variety in the food donated by the volunteers. They demand butter and jam and refuse to take the bread served.

3. Some people take selfies in sober situations when the leaders and celebrities visit to condole the deaths or funerals of their friends or relatives.

4. Relatives expect hospitality and formalities during emergency situations like hospitalization, death, etc.

5. Some people approach for financial assistance to meet their emergency without bothering about the difficulties of others.

6. Selfish attorneys fleece the debt-ridden families by charging exorbitant  professional fees when these families receive the insurance money settled for the accident and death claims.

7. Agencies and officials siphon off a part of the grants and subsidies provided by the government and charities and disburse the balance to the people. That too after a considerable delay. 

8. Many people lustily gaze at girls and women forgetting their age and onlookers. Some secretly watch the channels like Fashion TV and admire the serials like Baywatch. Many seniors cherish in passing obscene remarks the women in the public places.

9. Rich people cornering the benefits of government schemes meant for the poor and needy.

10. Many individuals keep reminding others for settling the money owed to them. They pretend forgetfulness for not repaying the debts incurred by them.

11. Some enjoy the benefits and advantages from others, but blame and  backstab the benefactors..

12. Many pamper and sing all praises in front of a person, but accuse the latter in his absence.

At the top of all these silly attitudes, a person will go to any extent to justify his or her mistakes. Nonetheless, the same person will blow up such issues when they belong to another person. Unless people understand the value of honesty and righteousness, Silly behaviors will continue to haunt the society.

March 13, 2022

Restlessness is Harmful

Restlessness means the lack of rest and quietness in a person. It's not a disease or disorder.  It can be felt in the mind or body or both. Despite the conscious efforts to contain the mind, it remains in an agitated status when one or several thoughts spring up randomly and simultaneously. Such a disturbed mind provokes a person to move around aimlessly and  end up in a fatigued body. Restlessness is different from the activeness, as the latter performs any task with focus when the mind and body work in tandem. Overactiveness is although a mild form of restlessness, the anxiety and fatigue are not felt. Ant and Hummingbird are good examples for activeness whereas the Squirrel is the overactive animal. Man alone exhibits the behavior of restlessness.

Causes of Restlessness are many. The most common and frequent reasons are listed here. 1) Anxiety arising from pessimism 2) Inadequate sleep and rest 3) Excessive worries about the future 4) Weakness and poor health due to illness 5) Obsession for power and control 6) Lack of faith and trust in others 7) Element of fear 8) Overzealous to get success and results 9) Engage in multitasking 10) Possession of too much knowledge and skill 11) Paucity of time and emergency situations, and 12) Matters of self-interest. 

Effects of Restlessness are several. The major five consequences are given to understand the significance. 1) Lack of self-confidence 2) Tension and stress culminating in chaos 3) Deterioration in physical health 4) Poor mental ability leading to wrong judgement and strained relationships, and 5) Seclusion from others.

Remedies to overcome the restlessness. Delegate the works to others or attend them based on the priority. When facing dilemmas or stress, move away from the scene to remain idle and lonely without any action. Practice yoga and meditation to restore patience, concentration and confidence. Take a rest at intervals and relax by closing the eyes. Divert and focus attention towards what is more absorbing and rejuvenating to the mind. Do not prefer any temporary relief through the tranquilizers and sedatives that are harmful in the long run. 

A normal man will experience the restlessness in extraordinary situations like loss of the dear ones, failure in the profession or business, natural calamities, etc.. In a weak minded person, it emerges naturally and frequently. By constant practice and faith, the restlessness can be got rid of. Nothing is impossible to change.

March 2, 2022

Never Assume Things

A driver with an accident-free record can make mistakes and end up in an accident. Persons with good demeanor can also commit crimes. Do not think a money conscious person will repay any money owed to others. Do not take the enemy's strength for granted to make the wrong move. The person steering a car need not be the owner, but a driver or even a thief. Neither all those dressed well are civilized nor the people clad in simple clothes lack discipline. Don't conclude that all educated people will be wise and smart. Not all doctors will diagnose and cure the illness. 

A person in a house need not be the owner as it could be the tenant or a servant or a stranger. After the field inspection of a palatial house, an investigating agency presented a report to a bank by quoting the lessee as the owner of the property. The bank sold the security in an auction to realize the money lent to the lessee. Later, the actual owner filed a criminal case against the bank for negligence and wrong action of selling his property.  

The artificial stones make us believe them as the real gems. Many robberies and thefts capitalize on this weakness. The fake items are kept behind the original object to mislead the onlooker. A major fraud of embezzlement came to light when the cash holdings were checked in a bank's currency office. Though the storage boxes had the original currency notes on the top, the counterfeit notes were found at the bottom. 

All looking white cannot be the milk or toddy. A person may consume a soft drink in bar, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. Whoever is seen at the police station cannot be the culprits. A casual visitor to the court cannot be assumed as a lawyer or judge. Assuming a dead person as sleeping is an error in judgement. The possession of vast wealth does not make the owner rich. There are people who live in palaces, but lead a poor life for lack of income. A rich business owner filed for insolvency to avoid the attachment of his assets and estate and escape from the recovery proceedings of another business that lent money to him.

When there is any sickness, many seek the Internet to interpret their symptoms and  decide their ailment. Out of fear, one fellow spent a huge amount for a CAT scan and took the report to a specialist who said, " Nothing to worry. it's an ordinary sinusitis problem." Thus, online diagnosis can go wrong, upsetting the net users psychologically. The anxiety generated by visiting the medical websites is called as ' Cyberchondria.'

By simply assigning the works to the employees and subordinates, no business can expect the desired results. The management needs to monitor and control the activities at regular intervals. Not only the money and time are wasted, but the reputation also suffers. A prudent driver should not assume that everyone on the road will behave properly. A traveler shall not assume the new place will have all facilities.

Therefore, do not presume anything before making any judgement. It's the prerogative of the theorists to formulate the ideas with all assumptions. Lethargy is a common excuse for making assumptions. For any good purpose, we can assume, but not for bad acts. For instance, donation to a charity is made on the expectation that it will reach the needy.

February 15, 2022

Who is a Real Achiever?

The world of human beings has peculiar characteristics. People measure any success  by the outcome, ignoring the efforts preceding it. A swimmer wins an Olympic medal by a second, but the person coming next is ignored. Anyone that reaches the top is considered a great achiever. To be fair in our judgement, the methods adopted and the efforts expended in any success should also be weighed to determine the real achiever. Many sportsmen lost their title or medals after the doping effect of some drugs was found out. Similarly, the business stalwarts of yesterday were found to be facing the criminal charges of abuse of powers and manipulations.

The following are the instances of how many people earn fame and name by unethical ways and take pride as if they achieved by themselves.

1. Turn a big shot by crooks and tricks.

2. Occupy the top spot by default.

3. Grab opportunities like education, employment, etc. through the shortcuts and unfair means.

4. Use the political, religious, and communal links to further self-interest, and 

5. Gain power through the muscle and money power.

A real achiever will possess the characteristics as below.

1. Rises to the top through the legitimate means and own efforts such as talent and strength.

2. Never seeks undue favor to promote his interests.

3. Never pampers for others' benevolence.

4. Believes in honesty and integrity.

5. Never employs any influence to serve his purpose.

6. Shuns bribery and corruption, and

7. Cares for others' welfare.

The following two contrasting examples would make the above points clear. 

A Vagabond turned a VIP. A lonely man in rags took shelter on the pavement near a small tea shop. He used to lead the life by seeking alms from the passers-by and  those visiting the shop. Nobody had any idea of his genesis. One day, a political party asked him to attend its agitation for the sake of head counts and paid him a food packet and some cash. Gradually, he began attending the rallies and public meetings of that party on a regular basis. However, the lure of money and power made him learn the nuances of politics. About 5 years later, he gained popularity and the confidence of the local leaders and secured the contacts and relationships of high ranks as well. At one stage, he overtook the mentor to become a confidant of the high command. He made huge wealth within a short time and led a luxurious life. The customers of the tea shop wondered how a loafer could become such an influential figure. Nonetheless, Everything came to an end when the corruption and other crimes of him came to light. 

Dedication sans publicity. In an office, a clerk worked will all sincerity and devotion. He remained unmarried and spent a major portion of his income for the welfare of poor people. After the office hours, he would visit the homes of the less privileged and provide them with the food and clothes. Not only that, he donated his superannuation benefits to a social organization caring for the aged and homeless people. Unsatisfied by all these, post retirement he took up a job in a restaurant. Retaining a small amount for self-sustenance, he gifted the meagre earnings to help the indigent. Neither he sought others help nor claimed publicity for the noble and selfless work rendered by him.

Now, decide who is the real achiever. Neither all that glitters is gold nor that remains hidden has no value. Time alone exposes the facts.

February 8, 2022

Do You Know The Price of Our Development?

Development and greediness of humanity have telling effects on the present and future generations. Encroachment on the forests and agricultural lands for putting up high-rise concrete jungles, commercialization and politicization of the resources, selfishness replacing the morality, etc., are the common causes for the ecological imbalance and climatic changes. Population growth and the craze for making of fast bucks aggravate this situation. Communalism and fanaticism gain prominence over conscience and rectitude. The effects of man's progress so far on the three spheres of the Earth are narrated here below.

Ocean: Population of marine organisms and animals is reported to have dipped by 50% in the last four decades, thanks to the overfishing and the global warming. Many coral reefs and underwater plant species have become history. They remain as exhibits in the museums and serve as specimens of laboratories. Dumping the spent fuels from nuclear facilities, the wastes from the human habitations, and the oil spills from the marine vessels have aggravated the situation of dwindling marine biodiversity.

Land: The impact of the ever-increasing population is badly felt in many ways. The endless demand for housing stocks and structures like roads, bridges, and towers has made the humans to encroach the forests and marshlands that were once the home of a variety of flora and fauna. The excessive suction of ground water led to the seepage of seawater rendering the inland water unfit for cultivation and drinking. An Intensive farming with the chemicals and machines for quicker and bumper harvests has spoilt the nature and fertility of the soil, and it affected the human health through the poisonous elements ingested from the food. The techniques of tissue culture, cloning, stem-cell and gene splicing aim at bypassing Nature. The effluents discharged from the tanneries, and the dye manufacturing factories pollute the surface and ground water sources. 

Scientists reported that burning all fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) would raise the sea level by 200 feet as the entire ice of Antartica would melt due to the rise in temperature and submerge the lands in the coastal areas. Half of such melting could occur in a millennium. The Mahseer, a gigantic golden and game fish for anglers across, is fast disappearing due to the global warming, and rampant mining. The Sparrow earlier sighted in the neighborhood has become a rarity after the microwave towers sprang up for cellular networks. The vast and open grounds that were once the playgrounds gave way to the shopping mall and residential complex. The kids of the next generation end up playing games in their houses on electronic gadgets such as PlayStation and mobiles. 

Air: Ultraviolet radiation harms life on Earth when the ozone layer in the atmosphere gets depleted by the gases emerging from the electrical and electronic devices, and heavy industries. Poisonous gas leaks from chemical industries and the radiation and pollution from atomic power plants killed millions of people and incapacitated many others including the foetuses. Atomic bombs and chemical weapons used during the wars devastated many nations.

So, Development comes at the cost of the lives of the present and future generations. Sustainable growth is ideal for organic life. Anything that violates Nature does not last long.

February 2, 2022

Misjudgement is Dangerous

Never judge a person or event merely based on what you hear or see only. By looking at the circumstances and evidence, and through close monitoring, one can arrive at a fair conclusion. The process of deciding on a person or anything is termed as 'Judgment.'

Only two types of judgments are possible in any situation. 1) Wrong judgment: an inference made that is quite against the one done in the normal course. This type is always termed as Biased, Crude, Lacking-in-truth, and Without application of mind. 2) Correct judgment: the conclusion made based on all facts and witnesses in an unbiased manner. This kind is welcome by all (excepting the affected person) with the phrases like 'Truth always triumphs, Landmark judgment, God-sent, etc.' Two real-life incidents are narrated here below to understand the impact of the wrong judgment.

In a classroom, a student accidentally hit his classmate who was drinking water from his water bottle. As a result, the water spilled over on to the notebook kept by another student who got annoyed and beat the first student. In retaliation, the latter also beat the first student having the notebook. This incident was brought to the attention of the Principal of the school. All the three students were asked to stay away from attending the school for the following four days. This punishment was given despite the students confessing their mistakes and against their parents' request not to punish. It was later understood from other students of that class that the Principal was having a dislike towards them and hence a biased approach. The behavior and judgment of the Principal were not correct. The punishment meted out was arbitrary. Actually, the Principal should have advised and asked all these students to shake hands and take a pledge, 'They will remain good friends and conduct themselves properly hereafter. The latter action would have left a lasting and salubrious effect on the mindset of the students.

Many people suffer for the wrong decision or judgment of someone else like Policy maker, Politician, Teacher, etc.. Such wrong-doers will never go unpunished. They will repent in the future for all that disappointing things done to others. Everything has an end. Even an atheist secretly prays to God when he attains old age.

So, let us be fair and composed when judging anything for that matter. Those who remain just and unbiased under all situations lead a Happy Life.

January 24, 2022

Beware of “Conditions Apply” clause in Commercial Ads

We are living in highly commercialised and competitive market conditions. Even God needs a sponsor during festival seasons. For instance, in India, many leading business firms invest money during the public celebrations of God Ganesha birthday. The richly embellished and large statue of the God brings higher turnout of devotees and larger coverage in the mass media. Any business tries to employ all possible methods and gimmicks to lure the gullible consumers. Announcing the attractive offers is one such marketing technique. However, all such offers do come with one or many conditions, which are always shown in small letters or by the familiar phrase 'Conditions apply.'

A popular pizza outlet guarantees its service for delivery in 30 minutes or providing free stuff. However, the offer carries conditions as 'Not applicable during special occasions like New Year Eve, Christmas and festivals. Not valid for the bulk and small orders. Restricted to the first barrier point such as Security guard, Reception desk, etc..'

A Jewelry firm offered a diamond necklace free of cost as part of its New year celebrations. However, the 'Conditions apply' indicated the offer is available only if the order value exceeds a threshold limit. Actually, the cost of the free necklace works out to less than 2% of the minimum order size insisted under the offer. 

A reputed builder offered residential apartments for sale at six locations in a city. Its advertisement read as 'Pick any property and select any offer.' The choice of offers is listed: No registration charges, Modular kitchen, Wardrobes and Air conditioner, Complete set of home appliances, 5% Cash back, and Furniture and light fittings. The usual 'Conditions apply' tag carried an asterisk, but nowhere these conditions are narrated. On enquiry over the phone, the said builder informed that only those bookings made for three-bedroom or bigger size flats are eligible for selecting the offers. How misleading is the ad, isn't it?

One textile show room announced a whooping 70% discount in large and bold letters. However, a closer look revealed that the said discount was for the old and out-of-fashion stocks. A famous shoe dealer presented the off-season sale with a flat 60% discount. Actually, the shop displayed old and limited stocks under that offer, but this fact was deliberately suppressed to attract the customers. A tutorial centre advertised 100% success of the students who joined it. Upon enquiry, it was found that only five persons studied there.

Many businesses come out with deep discounts on the costly products to woo the public. They play tricks in this also: offer the discount by inflating the original price or reducing the usual hefty profit margin by 20 to 50%. So buyers must be alert, not to get carried away by such misleading advertisements and offers. Moreover, Extra caution is required when the clause 'Conditions apply' appears in any of the ads.

January 5, 2022

Reasons for Frauds

To most people, Money means many things in life. They toil from dawn to dusk for earning and accumulating wealth. In the process, they fail to care for the vital health by ignoring the food and respite, but pursue all austerities to save the money. Ultimately, they leave an estate without enjoying the life. The heirs bury or burn the corpse, but not the corpus or wealth left by the dead. 

The aspirations of the people are varied and infinite. Each person wishes the possession of plenty of money and power to satiate his/her dreams and desires. It's a natural characteristic of the human beings, but conspicuous by its absence in the animals or birds. A tiger will not seek a prey when its tummy is full. A crow will not search for food unless it feels hungry. Only the man remains restless due to his ever-growing hunger for money and power. As hard work takes time, he embarks on the illegitimate and short cut methods to reach the goal quickly. Fraud happens to be the easiest mode for all times. Here, the eight major reasons and backgrounds that give rise to the frauds are discussed.

Selfishness remains the chief source of all frauds. When a person indulges in protecting the interests of the kith and kin, he resorts to the fraudulent practices. The head of a varsity reportedly got the post by paying a huge sum to a corrupt political leader. Imagine the fate of the education in that institution.

Non-adherence to the norms leads to the incidence of frauds.  Failure to follow the systems and procedures ended in the loss of lives and properties as the greedy officer issued a license for running a school in an unfit building. Substandard weapons were sourced to get personal favors.

Risk prone technology gives scope to commit frauds. The gullible people are cheated by the sophisticated digital routes like phishing, vishing, smishing and skimming. Softwares are used to gather the vital personal information from the vulnerable netizens when the latter log into the Internet.

Negligence causes even an innocent mind to oscillate. Careless handling of documents and disclosure of Credit card and bank details by the account holders result in the siphoning of funds by the fraudsters.

Insiders’ trick. The share prices are boosted artificially when a person of the business manipulates the demand or supply for the stock. The younger brother of a family fabricated a will to deprive his two siblings of the shares in his mother's estate.

Unreasonable targets breed frauds. The field staff engages the intermediaries and brokers to secure more business by diluting the norms and the purpose. Family planning numbers were achieved by listing the aged and dead.

Imitation effects. People forgetting their capabilities and income level copy the lifestyle of others living in the neighborhood. It is seen as a prestige issue affecting one's status in the society. To cope with the increased financial needs, an individual resort to heavy borrowing or frauds like misappropriation of office funds and seeking bribes for office work.

Politics pollute the society. To stay in power and fill the coffers of the party, most of the politicians use the corruption and fraud as the major strategy. Money and muscle power dominate not only during the election times, but also when forming the governments. Booth-capturing and casting the fake votes are the usual fraudulent tactics adopted for getting the desired poll results.

Behind all frauds, two aspects are common: the opportunity and desire for getting more of money and power. Every day, frauds do take place at all levels of family, society, business, and government. However, these frauds get exposed certainly and belatedly. Very few people do not succumb to the evils of money and power as they know the real happiness lies in sharing the love and affection.

January 1, 2022

New Year occurs daily

New Year' means diverse things to various segments of the society. For a layman, it's the commencement of another year. An office-goer feels it as one more holiday to relax. Rich people get a chance to spend lavishly, and display their status. The elders hope for their dreams to materialize. Manufacturers of calendars, diaries, gifts, etc., seize this occasion to spruce up their profits. Whatever the prospects a New Year holds, its basics never change.

Our Earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the Sun. To achieve this task, it works hard and rotates on its axis uninterrupted for 8760 hours, and proceeds on its endless journey. Just when the Earth has finished one revolution, we say one year is over. The moment it starts another trip the next year begins. It's a Happy New Year, thanks to the Mother Planet. Going by the same logic, we can also wish a person 'Happy New Year' in addition to the traditional 'Happy Birth Day' on completing one year from his last birthday. 

New year described above pertains to the Gregorian calendar accepted all over the world. However, several parts of the world and diverse cultures within a territory have their own calendars and New years. For instance, different states of India celebrate it on distinct dates. It starts in Chithirai month (April) for the people of Tamilnadu while it falls on the first day of Chaitra month (March) in Maharashtra. Jews have their New year in September. To Muslims, the same comes in October. Chinese New year falls between 21st January and 20th February.

People celebrate this special occasion in a variety of ways, but exchange of greetings, online and offline, remains to be the simplest and easiest. One interesting greeting received through SMS reads as '31st December of the calendar says, 'Turn me.' Time says, 'Plan me.' Future says, 'Win me.' Money says, 'Earn me.' God says, 'Remember Me.' 

The past is past only. Nobody can compensate for the loss, and damages suffered. However, the past enables to introspect and identify the lapses and take corrective steps while planning for a better future.  The rapid developments of industrialization and consumerism during the last four centuries have certainly led to the rise in the standard of living and life expectancy. Nonetheless, the remarkable progress came at a heavy cost: the ecological imbalance.

Whatever be the developments, it's the individuals of the society that make the difference by adhering to the discipline and common sense. Without the involvement of the citizens, nothing is possible and achievable. The conflicts and contradictions arising from the race for material welfare should be axed by sharing the available resources for a joyful coexistence.

Making resolutions is a customary practice when a New year starts. In a recent online poll conducted by a Newspaper in India, it was found that 56% of the participants did not make any resolution for the New year, and 65% of the remaining participants didn't stick to their resolutions. Any New year resolution by a sensible person will ensure the safety and happiness of lives on the Mother Earth. The same should aim at living in harmony with the Nature is the only solution for enduring happiness and prosperity. However, the following resolutions will definitely produce contentment and happiness to all.

N ever harm others in any manner.

E xchange, even the negativism, in a positive way.

W ork hard to benefit self and others.

Y earn for peaceful and happy life.

E liminate anything that spoils and affects the environment.

A lways help others though in a small way, and

R eview the progress and take action to improve.

Why don't we make it a habit to celebrate every day as New Year to have an inspiration and a sense of positivism? Just think of how the whole world will be if each one of us is bubbling with cheers and happiness all through the year. The pomp and spirit of New year celebrations should not end on the first day itself. New Year is the only event celebrated on a grand scale all over the world, though it is not a festival. We can call it as a Secular festival. The United Nations can think of naming First January as Unity Day.