February 2, 2022

Misjudgement is Dangerous

Never judge a person or event merely based on what you hear or see only. By looking at the circumstances and evidence, and through close monitoring, one can arrive at a fair conclusion. The process of deciding on a person or anything is termed as 'Judgment.'

Only two types of judgments are possible in any situation. 1) Wrong judgment: an inference made that is quite against the one done in the normal course. This type is always termed as Biased, Crude, Lacking-in-truth, and Without application of mind. 2) Correct judgment: the conclusion made based on all facts and witnesses in an unbiased manner. This kind is welcome by all (excepting the affected person) with the phrases like 'Truth always triumphs, Landmark judgment, God-sent, etc.' Two real-life incidents are narrated here below to understand the impact of the wrong judgment.

In a classroom, a student accidentally hit his classmate who was drinking water from his water bottle. As a result, the water spilled over on to the notebook kept by another student who got annoyed and beat the first student. In retaliation, the latter also beat the first student having the notebook. This incident was brought to the attention of the Principal of the school. All the three students were asked to stay away from attending the school for the following four days. This punishment was given despite the students confessing their mistakes and against their parents' request not to punish. It was later understood from other students of that class that the Principal was having a dislike towards them and hence a biased approach. The behavior and judgment of the Principal were not correct. The punishment meted out was arbitrary. Actually, the Principal should have advised and asked all these students to shake hands and take a pledge, 'They will remain good friends and conduct themselves properly hereafter. The latter action would have left a lasting and salubrious effect on the mindset of the students.

Many people suffer for the wrong decision or judgment of someone else like Policy maker, Politician, Teacher, etc.. Such wrong-doers will never go unpunished. They will repent in the future for all that disappointing things done to others. Everything has an end. Even an atheist secretly prays to God when he attains old age.

So, let us be fair and composed when judging anything for that matter. Those who remain just and unbiased under all situations lead a Happy Life.

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