June 2, 2021

Discipline Decides

Discipline. Without this, our Life is a big zero. Discipline refers to Orderliness, System and Code of behavior. Even you can observe the existence of the discipline in our surrounding nature also. Animals and plants have a discipline. The Whole Universe has a discipline.

Discipline can also be called as Science or Deductive method of doing anything. That is why, various subjects of study but brought under one uniform group are also termed as "Discipline". We have Physics, Astronomy, Molecular Biology, etc...

In essence, Discipline leads to the focus or uniformity in the approach but in ethical ways.

People, who have the discipline with good purpose, tend to make the good people and they are respected by all. All the Great leaders of the world have one thing in common though their approaches might have differed. That is Discipline only.

Even in Sports of Great Olympics, discipline counts the first. The Gold medals    have been stripped off from the Winners of such famous events for the sole reason that these participants had violated the Codes or Discipline set by the concerned authority.

Self-discipline makes you a saint. Adherence to self-discipline at all times is the difficult aspect of our life. Making others follow such discipline becomes the most difficult task. A person with such discipline is considered to be the noblest of all.

Here the discipline mainly comprises of the following aspects.

-Practice of honesty
-Possession of patience and tolerance
-Readiness to sacrifice
-Compassion for others
-Unbiased approach

Persons with these great qualities lived among us.

They are few and far between. And they are praised as the saviors of humankind. In fact, they are worshipped as Gods.

Quotes on Discipline

"Nothing can be more hurtful to the service, than the neglect of discipline."
-   George Washington
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
-  Jim Rohm

In short, Good Discipline Makes Happy Life.


Thirukkural, Universal Guide on Life

Thirukkural, meaning 'Sacred couplet,' is a Tamil Classic written by Saint Thiruvalluvar. The author is said to have lived sometime between the 1st century BC and the 8th century AD. It's the only literature translated into many of the world languages. The verses hold a treasure of principles and information that can be applied for any occasions, fields and times, irrespective of religion and race. The book has covered all spheres of life right from 'Praise of God' to ' Sex.'

Thirukkural has three main sections as Righteousness, Resources or Wealth, and Love & Happiness. Under the above three categories, 1330 couplets have been arranged serially into 133 chapters of ten each. The names of the chapters are self-explanatory to understand what the author wanted to preach and guide. You can download the free e-book of Thirukkural from http://www.projectmadurai.org/pmetexts/pdf/pm0001_01.pdf.


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