July 29, 2021

Behavior is an Indicator of Decency

The behavior of human beings tends to vary depending on the age, situation, education, and status in the society. An individual displays different conduct when alone as compared to his demeanor in a group. Some people are timid at home and act fearless in other places. However, some people exhibit silly habits that are unbecoming of the normal humans. In fact, they are unethical pointing to the indecent and uncivilized character. Here, a list of twelve common silly behaviors is given to understand them.

1. Passengers hustle to board the train though they have the confirmed tickets. Some people climb over the wheels and squeeze through the windows of the buses to get seats during the rush hours.

2. Residents fight each other for collecting the relief materials distributed by the government agencies. Some people don't appreciate the services being rendered to them during the deluge due to heavy rains but insist for variety in the food donated by the volunteers. They demand butter and jam and refuse to take the bread served.

3. Some people take selfies in sober situations when the leaders and celebrities visit to condole the deaths or funerals of their friends or relatives.

4. Relatives expect hospitality and formalities during emergency situations like hospitalization, death, etc.

5. Some people approach for financial assistance to meet their emergency without bothering about the difficulties of others.

6. Selfish attorneys fleece the debt-ridden families by charging exorbitant  professional fees when these families receive the insurance money settled for the accident and death claims.

7. Agencies and officials siphon off a part of the grants and subsidies provided by the government and charities and disburse the balance to the people. That too after a considerable delay. 

8. Many people lustily gaze at girls and women forgetting their age and onlookers. Some secretly watch the channels like Fashion TV and admire the serials like Baywatch. Many seniors cherish in passing obscene remarks about the women in the public places.

9. Rich people cornering the benefits of government schemes meant for the poor and needy.

10. Many individuals keep reminding others for settling the money owed to them. They pretend forgetfulness when their debts mature.

11. Some enjoy the benefits and advantages from others, but blame and  backstab the benefactors..

12. Many pamper and sing all praises in front of a person, but accuse the latter in his absence.

At the top of all these silly attitudes, a person will go to any extent to justify his or her mistakes. Nonetheless, the same person will blow up such issues when they belong to another person. Unless people understand the value of honesty and righteousness, Silly behaviors will continue to haunt the society.

July 26, 2021

The Price of Our Development

Development and greediness of humanity have telling effects on the present and future generations. Encroachment on the forests and agricultural lands for putting up high-rise concrete jungles, commercialization and politicization of the resources, selfishness replacing the morality, etc., are the common causes for the ecological imbalance and climatic changes. Population growth and the craze for making of fast bucks aggravate this situation. Communalism and fanaticism gain prominence over conscience and rectitude. The effects of man's progress so far on the three spheres of the Earth are narrated here below.

Ocean: Population of marine organisms and animals is reported to have dipped by 50% in the last four decades, thanks to the overfishing and the global warming. Many coral reefs and underwater plant species have become history. They remain as exhibits in the museums and serve as specimens of laboratories. Dumping the spent fuels from nuclear facilities, the wastes from the human habitations, and the oil spills from the marine vessels have aggravated the situation of dwindling marine biodiversity.

Land: The impact of the ever-increasing population is badly felt in many ways. The endless demand for housing stocks and structures like roads, bridges, and towers has made the humans to encroach the forests and marshlands that were once the home of a variety of flora and fauna. The excessive suction of ground water led to the seepage of seawater rendering the inland water unfit for cultivation and drinking. An Intensive farming with the chemicals and machines for quicker and bumper harvests has spoilt the nature and fertility of the soil, and it affected the human health through the poisonous elements ingested from the food. The techniques of tissue culture, cloning, stem-cell and gene splicing aim at bypassing Nature. The effluents discharged from the tanneries, and the dye manufacturing factories pollute the surface and ground water sources. 

Scientists reported that burning all fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) would raise the sea level by 200 feet as the entire ice of Antartica would melt due to the rise in temperature and submerge the lands in the coastal areas. Half of such melting could occur in a millennium. The Mahseer, a gigantic golden and game fish for anglers across, is fast disappearing due to the global warming, and rampant mining. The Sparrow earlier sighted in the neighborhood has become a rarity after the microwave towers sprang up for cellular networks. The vast and open grounds that were once the playgrounds gave way to the shopping mall and residential complex. The kids of the next generation end up playing games in their houses on electronic gadgets such as PlayStation and mobiles. 

Air: Ultraviolet radiation harms life on Earth when the ozone layer in the atmosphere gets depleted by the gases emerging from the electrical and electronic devices, and heavy industries. Poisonous gas leaks from chemical industries and the radiation and pollution from atomic power plants killed millions of people and incapacitated many others including the foetuses. Atomic bombs and chemical weapons used during the wars devastated many nations.

So, Development comes at the cost of the lives of the present and future generations. Sustainable growth is ideal for organic life. Anything that violates Nature does not last long.

July 24, 2021

A Second Childhood for Humans

Are you feeling strange to hear this? Everyone knows that any individual starts the life journey as a child upon birth. The time span between the birth and adolescence stages is termed as ' Childhood.'  This period is spread over 18 years after which the adulthood commences. A person in the childhood is commonly called as a Minor and thereafter said to become a Major. A child goes through the phases of loneliness, innocence, stubbornness, fearlessness, and impartiality.

When a person reaches the senility, the behavior changes drastically. The actions and conduct of the aged people resemble that of a child. The old age, in fact, represents the second childhood of human life. With wisdom and experience gained over the early years, the attitude and aptitude of older people should have matured. But, Why then they put up a childlike demeanor? That might be due to the feeling of insecurity arising from the loneliness, inability to carry on the activities like before, depending on others, etc. 

Significant things that show the similarities between the aged citizens and the kids are given here to understand the above phenomenon. 

1. Absence of teeth in the first and last stages of human life.

2. Difficulty in walking and movement without any prop or support.

3. Creating distraction wantonly to attract others' attention

4. Pretension of illness to make others care for them

5. Wishing to eat, drink or do anything that is not suitable for that age.

6. Display of silent anger and keeping mum when things go against their liking, and 

7. Remain in solitude and  avoid any food to express dissatisfaction.

All this show glaring similarities in the behavior that is normally seen in the childhood of any human. Adamant attitude, seeking attention, possessiveness, special care against disease and weakness, and the due respect for age, hate for loneliness, fear of death, etc., are some of the qualities exhibited by the senior citizens.

There is a marked difference between the actions of a child and a senior person. The behavior of the majority children is natural, unbiased, and innocent. However, the conduct of the seniors group is borne out of the selfishness and insecurity. One thing is clear. As a person grows older, the physical capacity weakens and the mental faculties slow down. So, the twilight year of a person's life cycle is the vulnerable period warranting support and care from the other members of the family and the society as well.

July 22, 2021

Do We Require Rules in Life?

The development and progress of any society depend on the systems it follows. Divergence and disparities in the conduct of the individuals tend to distract the aim of the society. However, when a set of standards and procedures is put in place, people behave in an orderly manner which in turn promotes cohesion and cohabitation. This is the essence of any rule or law intending the safety and welfare of the people. These rules are applicable to all without any discrimination or bias. Thanks to the sixth sense of reasoning for bringing up the disciplinary system.

The ancient men learned to live in groups after getting fed up with the initial life of wandering and hunting like animals. They later devised certain unwritten norms for the movement and peaceful coexistence of the groups. What we have presently is a well defined and complex set of rules and regulations to ensure the sovereignty and independence of a nation. VISA and passports fall under this category. In the absence of any rules, Humans would have turned wild, undisciplined and disorganized. 

To understand the significance of the rules clearly, a few examples are presented here.

1) Road-rules not only make our drive safe, but also protect the lives of those moving along the road, pedestrians, and other vehicles. 2) Office rules provide for the discipline and conduct of the work in a congenial and systematic manner. 3) Byelaws of a Cooperative society enable its members to make transactions in a transparent and method. 4) The rules of any Regulating body prevent the unfair and unhealthy practices of marketing and competition among the countries, business firms, people. 5) Rules of a Public Transport company prevent unauthorized entry and carriage. 6) The Central bank of a country regulates the monetary and fiscal transactions from the public, banks and other financial intermediaries, and 7) UNO has an elaborate framework of rules to avoid conflicts and foster unity among the nations. 

Nevertheless, the rules are subject to modifications in tune with the needs of the time also. When the culture and living styles change owing to the advancements in knowledge and technology, the obsolete laws warrant repeal or amendments. Else, the crime and mala fide acts get the upper hand.

Never try to bend the rules to suit your convenience or to favor somebody. Always respect the rules of the land wherever you are.

July 19, 2021

Misjudgment is A Loss-Loss situation

Never judge a person or event merely based on what you hear or see only. By looking at the circumstances and evidence, and through close monitoring, one can arrive at a fair conclusion. The process of deciding on a person or anything is termed as 'Judgment.'

Only two types of judgments are possible in any situation. 1) Wrong judgment: an inference made that is quite against the one done in the normal course. This type is always termed as Biased, Crude, Lacking-in-truth, and Without application of mind. 2) Correct judgment: the conclusion made based on all facts and witnesses in an unbiased manner. This kind is welcome by all (excepting the affected person) with the phrases like 'Truth always triumphs, Landmark judgment, God-sent, etc.' Two real-life incidents are narrated here below to understand the impact of the wrong judgment.

A Court Case

When the court opened its morning session, the learned Judge ordered "the defense lawyer should complete the cross-examination when a witness is admitted. No excuse or postponing will be allowed as it leads to the wastage of precious time and energy of everyone." Further, he quipped "How long will you drag the case like this which has already reached its sixth year."

The Defense lawyer said, "My Senior is in another court. Please give permission to have this session in the afternoon." This was accepted by the court without any hesitation. However, when the first witness completed the presentation, the senior advocate very coolly said, "Sir, I need time to study the papers for making the cross-examination."Readily the Honorable Judge agreed for postponing to another day after seeking the convenient date from the Witness for the cross-examination. The whole day of all the persons including the Judge was wasted in the process.

School Incident

In a classroom, a student accidentally hit his classmate who was drinking water from his water bottle. As a result, the water spilled over on to the notebook kept by another student who got annoyed and beat the first student. In retaliation, the latter also beat the first student having the notebook. This incident was brought to the attention of the Principal of the school. All the three students were asked to stay away from attending the school for the following four days. This punishment was given despite the students confessing their mistakes and against their parents' request not to punish. It was later understood from other students of that class that the Principal was having a dislike towards them and hence a biased approach. The behavior and judgment of the Principal were not correct. The punishment meted out was arbitrary. Actually, the Principal should have advised and asked all these students to shake hands and take a pledge, 'They will remain good friends and conduct themselves properly hereafter. The latter action would have left a lasting and salubrious effect on the mindset of the students.

Many people suffer for the wrong decision or judgment of someone else like Policy maker, Politician, Teacher, etc.. Such wrong-doers will never go unpunished. They will repent in the future for all that disappointing things done to others. Everything has an end. Even an atheist secretly prays to God when he attains old age.

So, let us be fair and composed when judging anything for that matter. Those who remain just and unbiased under all situations lead a Happy Life.

July 15, 2021

Why Do Frauds Occur?

To most people, Money means many things in life. They toil from dawn to dusk for earning and accumulating wealth. In the process, they fail to care for the vital health by ignoring the food and respite, but pursue all austerities to save the money. Ultimately, they leave an estate without enjoying the life. The heirs bury or burn the corpse, but not the corpus or wealth left by the dead. 

The aspirations of the people are varied and infinite. Each person wishes the possession of plenty of money and power to satiate his/her dreams and desires. It's a natural characteristic of the human beings, but conspicuous by its absence in the animals or birds. A tiger will not seek a prey when its tummy is full. A crow will not search for food unless it feels hungry. Only the man remains restless due to his ever-growing hunger for money and power. As hard work takes time, he embarks on the illegitimate and short cut methods to reach the goal quickly. Fraud happens to be the easiest mode for all times. Here, the eight major reasons and backgrounds that give rise to the frauds are discussed.

Selfishness remains the chief source of all frauds. When a person indulges in protecting the interests of the kith and kin, he resorts to the fraudulent practices. The head of a varsity reportedly got the post by paying a huge sum to a corrupt political leader. Imagine the fate of the education in that institution.

Non-adherence to the norms leads to the incidence of frauds.  Failure to follow the systems and procedures ended in the loss of lives and properties as the greedy officer issued a license for running a school in an unfit building. Substandard weapons were sourced to get personal favors.

Risk prone technology gives scope to commit frauds. The gullible people are cheated by the sophisticated digital routes like phishing, vishing, smishing and skimming. Softwares are used to gather the vital personal information from the vulnerable netizens when the latter log into the Internet.

Negligence causes even an innocent mind to oscillate. Careless handling of documents and disclosure of Credit card and bank details by the account holders result in the siphoning of funds by the fraudsters.

Insider plays the trick. The share prices are boosted artificially when a person of the business manipulates the demand or supply for the stock. The younger brother of a family fabricated a will to deprive his two siblings of the shares in his mother's estate.

Unreasonable targets breed frauds. The field staff engages the intermediaries and brokers to secure more business by diluting the norms and the purpose. Family planning numbers were achieved by listing the aged and dead.

Imitation effects. People forgetting their capabilities and income level copy the lifestyle of others living in the neighborhood. It is seen as a prestige issue affecting one's status in the society. To cope with the increased financial needs, an individual resort to heavy borrowing or frauds like misappropriation of office funds and seeking bribes for office work.

Politics pollute the society. To stay in power and fill the coffers of the party, most of the politicians use the corruption and fraud as the major strategy. Money and muscle power dominate not only during the election times, but also when forming the governments. Booth-capturing and casting the fake votes are the usual fraudulent tactics adopted for getting the desired poll results.

Behind all frauds, two aspects are common: the opportunity and desire for getting more of money and power. Every day, frauds do take place at all levels of family, society, business, and government. However, these frauds get exposed certainly and belatedly. Very few people do not succumb to the evils of money and power as they know the real happiness lies in sharing the love and affection.

July 13, 2021

Stay Healthy and Happy, Naturally.

All healthy people are not happy. Neither all wealthy persons are healthy. Without health and happiness, life is nothing but in vain. There are many ways to get your health, but the ideal one is the natural method.

Instead of wasting your hard-earned money in seeking help from the market, the following practical and easiest methods will help you.

Physical strain is a must. Regularly exercise like Walking, Jogging, Skipping, Cycling, etc. depending upon your age. Morning or evening time is ideal. Yoga is the best as it trains the mind while strengthening the body. However, do any yoga or physical exercise before taking food or/and bath.

Relax the brain. Meditate to gain concentration by focusing on one aspect. In the early stages, the mind will be running out of control, but with repeated practice, freshness and power are palpable.

Eating habits do matter. Always eat at the right time. Avoid spicy food. Fiber-rich food likes greens, nuts, etc. and fresh fruit juices are preferable. Do not eat too much, and stop when you feel like eating more. Eat, to satisfy the hunger, but not to satisfy your tongue.

Work-style is important. Always have a Systematic Approach. Never be in a hurry. Prioritize your works and problems based on importance. Postpone the avoidable things. Even in a dilemma, do not build up stress. If it is an urgent issue, just relax by any one of these methods. 1. Move away from that place and chat with another person. 2. Drink a cup of coffee or tea. 3. Listen to the music of your choice. 4. Close the eyes and take a deep breath in and exhale. 5. Play game on your desktop. However, if you can handle the matter later, go home and relax. Surely, you would have found a way out. If the problem still persists, discuss with other people to get alternatives. Better keep the office and home issues separate, even if you run an office from home.

Have diversions from routine. Visit your friends or relatives or neighbor. Make a trip to any picnic spot. Participate in social activities. Change the room settings like furniture positions of your living or office space every six months. Watch good movies.

Sleep provides peace and vitality. A nap after meals makes you fresh during the day. Deep sleep rejuvenates your brain and body. Many people suffer from lack of good sleep for the reasons like too active in their business or profession. If you wish instant sleep, try reading some boring books.

July 12, 2021

What is an Ideal World?

Why don't human beings have absolute freedom like birds?

All religions are for guiding us to a peaceful and happy life. Still, the humanity suffers from conflicts and turmoil.

Only human beings claim rights over the land and other resources that are common for all in this world. That's why a citizen of the USA buys and owns any property in another country like India. This is 'Restricted freedom.' Still, no bird or animal has ever sought any right to own a domain, building or forest. Migratory birds never seek a passport or visa to visit another country, but they have absolute liberty to cross over and stay in any place on the earth. Homo sapiens has made their own laws and controls, creating hurdles in the free movement between places, and for settling in another place.

The human race alone raises all hue and cry about wealth, power and health, and creates the artificial and superficial embellishments in the name of science and technology, causing more damage than value additions. Material welfare has overtaken the moral values. Consumerism has spoiled the environment. Why don't we think of an exemplar world, and act towards that end?

The ideal world, that I wish for peace and happy living of all that exist on this earth, will have the following salient features.

Sole and Seamless Nation: There will be, but one nation spread over five continents without territorial limits. Hence, passport or visa formalities, and the rules for migration would be scrapped.Everyone will have the absolute freedom of movement and settlement on wherever he/she wishes to do so. The existing laws will be repealed, and only one statute will prevail for regulating and maintaining equality. The best of minds from all spheres of life would be enlisted to aid the leaders elected by the citizens. There will be one local elected government for each continent.

Secularism: Every person will have one and only identity as a citizen. There will not be any discrimination based on caste, creed, or race. Citizens will have the liberty to practice the religions they like. Nevertheless, they will be supervised to ensure amity among societies.

Peace and Prosperity: Welfare and peaceful living of the citizens will remain as the permanent agenda. Resources will be invested wisely and efficiently without worrying about warfare.

Where there is a Will, there is a Way Out. Where there is a Way, there is Success.

When an ideal world is created, even God will praise us and take pride in His subjects.

July 10, 2021

Prayers Are For Peace and Welfare

Prayer' means an earnest request for help or favors. In normal parlance, prayer always refers to the communication made with God by the human beings. Prayer is a handy tool to seek solace and solutions when we face hardships and tense situations. It's a time-tested method followed and passed on by our ancestors.

A person can pray to the Almighty from any place or at any time. However, people proffer such prayers in front of God, in the visible form as statues and photos, or through the space of Nature. The former practice is very common among Hindus and Christians whilst the latter is found among Muslims and Parsis.

Prayers are performed in different ways depending on the religions and customs and traditions of the multitude. They can be classified into four major types as 1) Devotion: chanting of hymns and mantras and singing of god's praise are the methods used here. Hinduism and Christianity use this mode for their prayers. 2) Confession: Admitting mistakes and seeking pardon is the essence of this prayer. People go to the temple or mosque or church and submit their wrong doings and surrender to seek relief from what-they-feel as sins. 3) Gratitude: Expressing thanks or acknowledgment to God is another form of entreaty. Some examples of this nature are: students thanking for the high score, community hosting a festival for a good harvest, patients rejoicing after recovering from a serious illness, prayer before eating food, etc. 4) Petition: when something is sought or desired, prayer is made. This variety frequently abounds in our lifetimes.

Based on the intention, prayers can be either private or communal. When an individual implores for own needs, it's a personal prayer. However, when an individual or society offers prayers for the welfare of a member or other members of the society or even the world, it's a prayer for the common cause. If there is a scarcity of water, community prayers are held to invoke God for blessing with copious rain.

Very few people like saints and religious leaders pray for the welfare of others or the communities. Actually, such prayers make us broad-minded and unselfish: ultimately fetching peace and happiness for all.

Whenever happen to see a sick person or animal, I say a simple prayer to God for restoring their health. Sometimes, on seeing or hearing an ambulance pass by, I quickly put a word or two to God for helping the suffering soul.

Thirukkural, a Tamil classic written in 1st Century BC, makes it mandatory to remember and seek the blessings of God, if the soul desires to get out of the vicious cycle of births and deaths.

Prayers take you nearer to God. However, selfless service to others makes God come closer to you. Service to others means such services made for all kinds of life on this earth. Hinduism has gone a step further to say 'Make prayers with the food presented to the Almighty and feed the departed souls and ancestors by practicing rituals.'

July 9, 2021

Be Impartial To Others

Pride and prejudice are unique to the human beings who claim to have the sixth sense. All other things in the world including the Mother Nature exhibit an unbiased character. Rain pours everywhere to benefit all that live on the Earth. The Water doesn't taste different to the good and bad people. The Land bears the load of all, without the discrimination among its inhabitants. Air remains the most common source of energy for all. Even the atmosphere transmits the sounds and light without any hesitation. Why do then the human beings display unfair behavior towards others? 

Do not differentiate between the rich and poor when everyone is in trouble. Life is same and only one for all. Impartiality and importance to all are, in fact, a good gesture and goodwill  as well. This approach brings people closer and is bound to bring success undoubtedly. 

Generally, good teachers are revered and remembered forever by the disciples for their fair and kind approach. On the contrary, people do not respect the unruly administrators after their retirement. In a commercial bank, a defaulter displayed warmth and kindness to the staff, though there was a court case against his firm from the bank. An ex-Managing director of an MNC had to seek the aid of others in his old age. Therefore, one should learn to treat all equally.

Life is a vicious circle where the positions and equations keep changing over time. A person rich today might be at the receiving end after some time. So, be fair to all without bias or fear. There is no permanence in power or status of an individual. That is the destiny of time. Yesterday's ruler becomes the prisoner of a new  regime. Power changes the politicians' fate after each election, but still they behave ridiculously and irrationally.

Therefore, treat all including the animals, birds, etc. with equal dignity. Do not grow selfishness, but remain disinterested to treat everyone equally. Kindness always enhances the relationship and gets returned as well. Be gracious like God to forgive others' mistakes and bless. According to Thirukkural, Classic Tamil couplets, one's actions are bound to come back to him. Fairness to others will pay fairness to the self.

July 8, 2021

Don't Get Cursed Through These Actions

Life is full of challenges right from the day of birth till the departure from the face of the earth. That too, in the modern world, it becomes very tough and highly competitive due to various factors like scarcity of resources, population growth, greed, polity, religion, etc. In the olden days, people used to respect the values and traditions of the society, and there was little scope for moral aberrations. Globalization, Digitalization, and Consumerism have become the new world order. Material welfare gets priority over the moral wellness. So, it is high time to know the areas where the curse of another person is invoked. The list given here indicates the common human actions that produce annoyance and curse of the affected people.

Cheating and frauds through Conning, Insider tricks, and corruption ruin any system. The innocent victims have no way out except cursing those behind such crimes. Robust businesses transfer the assets to their families (even servants) and claim insolvency just to dodge the creditors and the tax authorities. 

Ingratitude is the worst of all betrayals. Deserting the parents in their old age is the worst of betrayal of trust in life. Even the best friend becomes an enemy overnight. Opportunists switch their sides to suit their situations. Sedition for a wrong purpose leads to destabilization and chaos which the law-abiding citizens tend to curse.

Infidelity is the outcome of lust for money and power that cause the people to behave disloyally. Selfish politicians change their parties to keep their ministerial post intact for getting the curse of the voters. Some families got shattered due to the illegal and extra-marital relationships of he/she, and the suffering children chide the parents.

Theft and robbery have become professions for some as they get support from the people with money and power. Even the laws of the land are twisted to suit criminals. Left with nothing, the affected people curse the administrators and the authorities concerned.

Pilferage and seepage. Agents and Middlemen retain a part of the grants and concessions meant for the poor people and victims of natural calamities. Many a times, the subsidies and concessions from the administration are siphoned off by the influential people. One rich sportsman sought exemption from the import duty for the luxury car that he received as a gift.

False claims. A call taxi operator collected the full fare, though it promised a discount through mass media. One jeweller claiming to have the price tags on its products defrauded the public by selling the inferior gold. 

Violence in any form like terrorism, blasts, murder, etc. leaves the victims' families in disgust and anguish to curse those indulging in such inhuman and shameful acts. Even the intentional cruelty to other creatures in any manner amounts to violence only. 

Rumours are counterproductive on many occasions. Gossips planted in the mass media led people to feel ashamed and guilty, and eventually ended their lives. 

False witness given in any dispute or arbitration results in penalising an innocent person. Not only the victim's family suffers as his character gets tainted in the society.

Eavesdropping is the most shameful act of any human. It likens the life of a parasite that kills the host while getting its nourishment. Espionage with selfishness is bound to bring curses.

Many people justify their unethical and immoral methods of life by giving their own reasons. In fact, they are deemed to be smart by those who pursue the same route for their selfishness. Alas, they realize the mistakes and repent for the wrongs done only when they face difficulties in the personal lives and during the fag end of their lives. 

July 7, 2021

Is It Possible To Avoid Anger?

Anger is the negative emotion a person gets in reaction to the frustration or displeasure experienced. Usually, it happens when events go against one's  expectations. A family planned for a movie show, but the same was canceled as the father came late. The children got agitated over the disappointment. A General Manager incurred wrath of the boss for the delay in implementing the plan. Even the failure in the interview was taken casually when a person was in a good mood. A sad mind considers the casual remark of a colleague as an insult. It's customary for the angry person to blame others in the majority of the cases. A normal person can fume for any mistakes, but not a scholar.

Types of Anger:  Based on the time taken for its expression, the anger can be instantaneous or postponed for an appropriate time. Depending on the target, it takes three forms as attacking the opponent, a third person or any object, and blaming the self. Anger consists of two varieties as good and bad. The good one is a win-win situation yielding constructive results to all those involved. The bad type not only demoralize the counter party but damages the self-esteem.

Methods to overcome Anger: The anger is the only emotion that affects both the parties connected with the tense situation. It becomes a disorder harming the health and progress in life when an individual succumbs to it. In fact, anger is a sort of temporary madness. It leaves scars in the receiver's heart, despite any number of sincere apologies tendered by the impulsive person. So, one need to seek the ways of averting this awkward emotion. The vital five methods are listed here towards this end. 

1. Discard high expectations, but keep faith in others.

3. Believe in time and patience. Listen to what others say before jumping to a decision. Adopt the time-tested measures like meditation and yoga to restore the calmness and self-confidence.

4. Accept everything as good for some reason. 

5. A positive approach infuses goodwill in the opposite party. Convey any message in a constructive manner to highlight the significance of even the negative actions.

6. If the anger still persists, move away from the scene. Remain in solitude or go to a serene place of nature or worship till it dissipates. Seek guidance from the learned people. 

One that controls anger is greater than a King. Giving advice is easier than practicing it. We cannot exclude the anger completely as our life rests on faith and favorable expectations. There is no end, but chaos prevails, if everyone gets angry at the same time. It's akin to the spread of fire everywhere with no water in sight to douse. 

July 6, 2021

How To Correct Mistakes in Life

Life without mistakes is unthinkable. Even the incarnations of God went through the stages of life filled with the mistakes and corrections. Human life rests on the knowledge and experience which in turn comes from efforts and errors only. The man that claims to be perfect wouldn't have done anything. All developments in the world took place after making mistakes. 

Generally, mistakes fall into two categories: those done with the knowledge of the impact and those made from ignorance. If a person handles a knife wrongly, it's a mistake. When a child gets injured with the same knife, it is ignorance. The first type has no excuse whereas the latter one is pardonable as it is unintentional. However, repetition of a mistake reflects the lack of interest or involvement of an individual. 

 When people fail to understand their follies, it becomes essential to check them by others. Principally, there are two ways as Harsh and Kind methods, to make anyone realize the mistakes. Any rough treatments like whiplash, electric shock, hanging, etc. Fall under the first method. Mahatma Gandhi chose the second method and adopted non-violence to win India's freedom. Here the four important but common methods are listed for exhorting people to correct their mistakes.

Suspend the Relationship. Seclusion from the worldly connections makes a person think and feel sorry for his mistakes. Imprisonment and excommunication are popular tactics to make people realize the mistakes. In some societies, the villages banish an offender or his family by depriving of any food, water, and shelter. Not even the relatives or friends are allowed to move with the debarred members. The tricky brother of a family got the mother to execute a will in his favor, but the siblings cut off further ties with him.

Avoid interactions with the person who repeats the mistakes. This method is followed in the household situations to pull up an erring member of the family. Parents use this method to discipline the kids by avoiding talk and moving from the latter; because silence speaks louder than words.

 Deny the duties and benefits. A situation where no work or responsibility is assigned to an individual that committed mistakes. The  activeness of others and the idleness of the self make anyone feel guilty. In an office, a senior  employee had to pass the entire day doing nothing, but watching others engrossed in their work. Because the management thought this is the best way to punish him for his filing a suit challenging the bank's decision. Similarly, the suspension of the benefits like promotions, increments, terminal sums, etc. will remind one's duty. 

Appreciate the right actions. Giving incentives always motivate the people to do better. Transport companies provide cash prizes to its drivers for accident-free service. Employees get pay-rise and promotions for higher productivity. The wrong surgery by a doctor costs a precious life while a pilot wins accolade for saving the lives of his passengers by the safe landing of the aircraft. Even when the mistakes happen, a gentle remark "Hope you won't repeat that again" will hit the conscience.

Any right-minded person will repent his mistakes and try to avoid them through precautions and corrective steps. Failure to do so becomes another mistake. Still worse it gets if one justifies his mistakes by blaming others. Then, try any one of the four methods described herein above.

July 5, 2021

Sources of Inspiration in Life

Life sucks from the pressures and pains of the daily chores. It's our attitude that matters most in handling them. A positive approach to treating the hardships and pleasures equally needs to be cultivated. There are many things to make our spirit soar and enable us to live happily. The major sources of inspiration are given hereunder. 

Nature: Everything has a purpose to make the life on Earth enjoyable and fruitful. Nature exhibits many enchanting landscapes, patterns and varieties. Sunrise, chill breeze, rainbow, chirping birds and hopping squirrels are some examples. The smile of kids, the mischief of puppies, the alertness of crow, zebra's stripes, silent and lush forest, hues of flowers, etc. add charm and beauty to life. These sights rejuvenate even the sombre souls.

Busyness: One should keep engaged in one activity or another: even relaxation through dozing off helps. Idleness breeds undesirable thoughts and emptiness in life. Have involvement and sincerity in anything you do unmindful of the benefits from it. When a person gets absorbed in the job on hand, he tends to enjoy it forgetting the time and energy spent on it. 

Celebrations: We tend to feel elated and passionate about life when we celebrate during festivals and special occasions like birthdays, promotions, wedding, etc. Moreover, such celebrations foster happiness and peace which in turn strengthen the value of life itself. 

Helping others: Giving whatever we have to others, yields happiness instantly. That too when done to a stranger produces immense pleasure and a sense of goodwill. Feeding the animals and birds is one such deed. Rendering service and assistance to fellow humans and other life forms is considered to be the most fulfilling act in a man's life. Even remaining harmless by way of words and deeds is welcome. True Love and affection greatly inspire any mind. Mother Teresa made yeomen service for the welfare of leprosy patients.

Counselling: Discuss your problems with trusted people and seek ways to resolve. The Internet is a handy tool to get answers on any issues. Seek the doctor's advice for alleviating the health problems, instead of worrying unnecessarily by keeping them with you. Religion provides spiritual insights to guide us towards a holistic development, but its leaders mislead for the reasons best known to them. The soothing words console the agitating minds. 

Good health: Everyday, do the simple exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, etc. to maintain the physique. Take breaks during the work and engage in a relaxing but interesting thing to recharge the mind and body. Some play Carrom; some drink a cup of tea, and some stroll outside the workplace. A nap after lunch does wonders. 

Diversion: Keep away from the routine through sports and games and hobbies. Play indoor games like Chess, Table tennis and and so on. Go for swimming or cycling. Have a monthly program for outing like cinema, beach, visiting friends and relatives. Schedule yearly trips to historic places like Fort, Palace, etc.. Pastime activities enable a person to get recharged in otherwise sagging moods. Gardening is the most beneficial of all hobbies as it refreshes us, the plants and trees. 

Appreciation: Any praise makes a person to be honest and efficient, but its timing is very important. Recognition for the good work done boosts the morale of the employees. Acknowledging the contribution to the human welfare inspires others to take up such tasks; Nobel prize is an example. Likewise, the simple two words 'Thank You' with a smile express our appreciation. Congratulating for any achievements also inspired a person to perform better. However, wrong and excessive appreciation prove to be counterproductive as well. 

Besides the above methods, one should understand the realities like capabilities, health status, etc. before comparing with others. Many a time, we self-create hurdles and issues by aspirations that are beyond our reach. Be content with what you have, instead of chasing what you don't have. However, endeavor persistently to attain greater heights by constant efforts and legitimate means.

Do not exceed the limit in whatever you do; work, eating, sleep, sex, etc.. For many people, 'staying fit' means 'More physical exercise, Less food intake.' In the good olden days, people were sturdy and healthy as they worked hard without relying on the machines.

July 3, 2021

Too Much Of Anything Affects Our Life

A man is a heap of aspirations. He strives continuously for many things. In that process, he fails to admire the thrills and spirit of life itself but feels sorry later for not having done so. In other words, he strains much for progress in life at the cost of the pleasures and joy due in each stage of life. The infancy is the only period when the human remains as part of the life. By tracing his behavior in various activities, the adverse impact of overindulgence on the life can be understood.

Education: A child is forced to learn many things that are not appropriate to the calibre of that age. To boast of their superiority, some parents train their wards in car-driving, bike-riding, map-reading, and such activities. Owing to the overdose of information and lack of free time for relaxation, the child develops anxiety and depression at that tender age. During the adolescent-hood also, more emphasis is placed on academic excellence rather than a balanced growth of physical and mental satisfaction. Above all, the attributes like interpersonal and social relationships tend to suffer as the individual remains isolated for concentrating in the studies.

Eating: Excessive consumption of food brings about obesity and all sorts of physiological disorders such as indigestion and blood pressure. At times, the abnormal growth draws criticism from others while the self-maintenance becomes difficult. Eating whatever comes in their way, and spending later for the slimming classes, artificial beautification, and the therapeutic treatments to shed the extra fats are certainly avoidable. Proactive prevention is the best alternative.

Employment: Many people work round-the-clock to accumulate wealth without food and rest. The situation becomes worse if their employment is in a far-away place or abroad. The fallout of such overworking is 1) Self-health is at risk 2) Time spent with the dependants is negligible and 3) Monotony of work leads to frustration. Moreover, the value of money so earned is negligible as the individual forgoes the enjoyment of a normal life with the family and friends. After all, money doesn't accompany a person after his death. Even in the Pyramids of Egypt, the treasures remain intact near the dead as not carried to the heaven.

Enjoyment: Celebration and jubilation are essential stimuli in life. An overdose of such festivity leaves a sense of pride and superiority complex in many people. Sometimes, people engage in misconduct and wrong acts. Out of exaltation and excitement, many flout the driving rules and forget their duties and responsibilities. A man watched a cricket match on the TV quite unaware of a thief looting the jewelry from his house. Sexual activity is good as long as it doesn't become as an obsession. Rich people have a daunting task of keeping vigil and care over their estates and assets; A problem of plenty.

Expenditure: Living within means is the best policy at all times. Overspending results from the animosity in the living standards of people; many try to copy the lifestyle of the neighbor forgetting the level of own income. Consumerism has reached such an extent that excessive borrowing is no more considered as a taboo. The advent of plastic currency (credit card) aggravates the spending pattern landing in debt traps.

Economy: Employment and resources are in great demand as the population has grown manifolds. As a result, the incidence of Competition, conflicts, crimes and wars has increased now. Overuse of chemicals in both medical and pesticide industries led to overexposure that in turn led to serious problems like the emergence of resistant bugs and germs, and environmental pollution.

Even the ambrosia taken in excess quantity affects the health. Medicine becomes a poison when the dose exceeds the prescription. Overdoing anything defeats the very purpose of such action. So, Too much of anything is good for nothing.


July 2, 2021

Life is Full of Paradoxes

Life is uncertain and short. Even so, we live as though it is permanent. Every day, we go to the bed and sleep with the confidence we will rise in the morning to achieve our goals. Man is a mortal being. Still, he behaves and acts as if to stay here forever. Though our body contains several ugly internal parts with excretions and germs, we showcase them with perfumes and clothes. Many people never mind their parents when they are alive, but resort to all kinds of respect and rituals once elders pass away. What a drama, isn't it?

A chick emerges from an egg with the hope of seeing the world, but gets trapped in the claws of a Hawk. Bees are known for their activeness and hard work. However, the delicious and salubrious honeycomb is used (robbed) by the human beings. Likewise, there are many people who toil and save a lot of wealth during their lifetime, but die without enjoying it.

Abundance of wealth by itself does not guarantee the happiness. Instead, it multiplies the worries as one should take steps for its maintenance and growth as well. However, when the same is shared with others, the joy is felt both by the giver and the recipient. A jeweler cannot subsist on the stocks of gold and silver, but depend on others for food, clothing and security. A lay person laments for his inability to have a square meal. Nonetheless, he doesn't bother to save for the next meal when he gets sufficient money.

A traveler desiring homely comfort ends up with a heavy baggage and more worries. He needs to check his paraphernalia now and then until the end of the journey. Conversely, a passenger with less luggage enjoys a carefree and memorable ride but forgoes certain comforts.

A business person keeps worrying about how to maintain and grow his trade. If he doesn't do that, he will lose his reputation and status in the market whilst the relatives treat with contempt. Even if he wishes to get out of these clutches, he cannot but forced to continue within the vicious cycle of worries and joy. Seldom, courage and determination drive a person to relinquish his power, fame and wealth to pursue a life of selfless service.

Preaching of anything becomes handy for many people, though it's disliked in their private life. Especially, politicians and religious leaders use this as a ploy to hoodwink the gullible public. Persons claiming to be detached from the routine life secretly yearn for the worldly pleasures. Sages and saints having a secluded lifestyle, pray for the heavenly abode only.

Distance and time always bring enchantment and respect. The charm of youth makes life rosy, but aging turns it lousy. Likewise, Fame and power are preferred by all. Nonetheless, they cost one's privacy and peace.

Whatever be, Life holds no charm without such incongruities and contradictions. In fact, paradoxes make the life interesting. So, don't lose your heart but enjoy the life.

July 1, 2021

Value of Wastage

Every year about one-third of global food production goes as waste. Most of this happens before the food even reaches the consumers. Similarly, varying levels of wastes do occur in other sectors of any economy. By exercising proper care and having suitable safeguards at various stages, we can reduce these wastes and conserve precious resources. Another way of creating value from such wastes is to recycle them for our consumption. Waste for one person or place is the source of wealth or livelihood of another person. Listed here are very common cases of waste or surplus management happening all over the world. 

Rainwater: Run off or surplus water from rainfall goes as waste into the oceans. Through the storage structures like dams, tanks, etc., and the rainwater-harvesting techniques, this rainwater is saved which in turn aids in raising the water table in a territory. 

Industrial Scrap: Any object unfit for use, or discarded after use is referred to as 'Scrap.' Old paper materials are reconverted for reuse. Metal scraps are melted and purified to get the original element. Waste plastic is recycled for further consumption in making containers of inferior quality and for laying roads. Wood waste is used as fuel and building material. The bagasse of sugar industry forms the raw material of distilleries producing alcohol. 

Natural waste: The dry leaf of the banana plant serves as packaging material and fuel while the dry fibrous stem of it is used to make garlands.  The withered leaves form the mulch which helps in conserving the soil moisture and humus. The dead tree trunks and animals decay to make the fossils which later become the coal, diamonds, petroleum, etc.. The excreta of birds and animals serve as the natural manure of soil. 

Human waste: Waste hairs go into the making of wicks or artificial tress. Dead human organs enable refurbished life. Burial of corpses makes a substratum for many that live on and under the earth. This subterranean activity enriches the soil making it fit for organic farming. On the other hand, cremation leaves the earth poorer as fuel and electricity are wasted. The residues from homes make good manure after due composting. Even the night soil is converted into manure for agriculture.

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is achieved." So never do anything, even eating or sleeping, in a hurry. Remember, the sense of haste always leads to waste only. A person driving rashly is bound to incur the penalty of an accident, one day or other. The economic crisis coupled with a growing global population means each of us needs to play our part in reducing waste.